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Show Astonished to Find Fine Churches Here California Banker Believed That Mormons Mor-mons Had a Genuine Cinch in Salt Lako. "I am most Impressed by the wonderfully wonder-fully beautiful ohurches that are now being built In Salt Lake' declared W. 1 1 Buoholz, an Oakland, Cal . banker, who was at the Kenyon during the day. The Impression is quite general In c.tli. r SI rites th:it the- Mnrtnnns ' ontrol practically everything here, and I am both surprised and pleased to note your substantial evidences of progress and modernity. Sees Great Cliang-es. "T made a visit here six years ago," continued Mr. BUCholZ, and Will admit ad-mit that I was not favorably Impressed with the town Nov. i am both surprised sur-prised and pleased by the wonderful changes. There Is B gem ral brightening brighten-ing up of the entire city, your new residences resi-dences and business blocks are of a high type I spent two hours today walking about the city and, indeed, I hardly know the pi l e Likes New Road. "I went out of my way to make this journey ovei the Salt Lake Route and find It a first-class piece of work. The feeling In my section of the country Is that the new road Is bound to exert ;i wonderful Influence in the building up of the West Praise for Senator Kearns. "Senator Kearns v. as known to me when he was only a freighter In Nebraska Ne-braska years ago and noting the position posi-tion of prominence and lniiuence that he occupies In Utah today and the power that he has been In developing your resources. I feel that Utah is to be congratulated upon his making the State his home The man who starts from nothing and by hard work builds up a fortune which he employs wisely and with public spirit as Senator Kearns has done is one of the best types of citizenship " Mr Buchols, who Is now vice-president of the Central bank of Oakland, continued his business journey eastward east-ward last night |