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Show dfluous Hair irtJT N, w Principle rmLV,''li . ' r" clfercd you r MtJ''.r ' Kratom Qd manu-MB1-'--7-, , r' '-, " h tf10 only UBfht fLi ourn'11' "'l rr..mlu,.ni BsmK w", J-io rum wmn- aaBt'n'l', t"!n?to barJl w''ho,jt Wa'y Ml Oral 'clutj drug- ilW11511 nd ThifdSouth Sts. 25 E. Third Soutl I Will not open July 1 announced B owlns to delay Ifl the nrrlv.al Of ap- pTrafua, pari of which Is being B inndo to order. WATCH THK PAPERS FOB I DATE OF OPENING. W Those who contemplate sitting I tQt a portrall In the near future '-, t pofsll.lv d.. bet!, i- 111 pi I. T auallty than to wall foi the com- I ;,,1,:,n of ti,is tBTiw A& Main St. .1... ...l.i.i.lnti.l.iiiiiii.iiiiinc.ni.i ..l.Y. tit itlttl. 1 1 I 1.1 tlt 1 1 11 lll I i I 1 ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY j Monday Marks the Last of this Summer's Special Sales We wall, on this date only, take 50 ceitfs for any one dollar purchase pur-chase of summer Hats or Materials you may seled:. During July and August our store will bo arranged to nr-rommodatt' nr-rommodatt' wholesale customers; By special arrangements with the New York agents of BERLIN, PARIS and VIENNA HOUSES we will show their early Fall Samples and Models of Domestic and Foreign Lines for the coming fall season. OUR 1000 PATTERN HATS will be placed on exhibition in our wholesale department, most of them ran be copied from materials v.o will carry in stock, or copies can be ordered direct from the New York manufacturers. Domestic orders for August and September deliveries must be placed before August 15th. Import orders for foreign mat. rials on which there is 10 per cent to 1." per rent saving. must be 'n before July 20. The enlargement of our store this fall will make il the Greatest Exclusive Millinery Establishment between 'liir;i''o .mil San Frani isco. Our special advantages are these- In conducting a wholesale whole-sale and retail place we buy in greater variety than one branch of the trail.' would sustain. It enlarges our outlet so that v buy in quantities at the same prices the exclusive jobber pays. The expense of doing business in Salt Lake as compared with Chicago and New York is at h ast Hi per cent less, which pays all carrying charges to this oil v. We can supply the I rade tributary trib-utary to this city in L'4 to 48 hours as against 120 to 1N4 hours from our nearest competitor. The natural advantages afforded an Establishment like ours in Salt Lake City invites your trade. We will share them with you. H6 South Main St. SALT LAKE CITY'S MANUFACTURING I FURRIER AND LADIES' i OUTFITTER 1 I.C.GLOSZnl I ANNOUNCES FOR THIS WEEK IMPORTANT CLEARANCE I SALE- I OF CHOICE, HIGH-CLASS I MERCHANDISE I Such as this house has been identified with sinee the opening of its doors, consisting of Tailor-made Linen Suits and I Waists, Novelties in Neckwear I I and Belts, Corsets and Hosiery, I I TAILOR-MADE LINEN WAISTS I I WaiStS nOW $225 Recently priced yt.r,o to $5.00 I WaiStS nOW $3.00 necentlv priced S4..-0 to gjO I WaiStS nOW $5e50 Recently priced st op to jgjK I TAILORED LINEN SUITS I a In V, hite Handkerchief and Colored Linen, 1 rr I plain and checks P ZJU m Original price, $18.00 to $25.00. I Imported and American Made : j High-grade qualities, straight front, odd sizes Regularly $1.00, L80, 92.00, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00, $3 00 I 60 cents to $2.50 1 I Who has not heard of the J HOSIERY AT GLOSZ'S? I You ran't afford to nnss their special I Lace Lisle Hose at THREE PAIRS j qq I Colors: Champagne, Royal Blue, Tan. White, and Black. m ! - - FURSS: I H and Textiles stored and guaranteed against moth and tire at H Reasonable Rates. During the summer months the remodelling, repairing BJ and redyeing of Furs will be done at materially reduced prices Kj and stored fr 'f charge. Store will be closed Saturdays at 6 p, m, I 270 MAIN ST. I I |