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Show I- CHURCHES. Houses of Worship Open Today in Junction City. Special to Tho Tribune. OGDEN. July First Preshj trrlun church; John lvlwanl Carver, piiMnr Suiela .1 r,t 10 o'clock. Morning worship at 11, subject "Th Plncp Our uv runliv Sir uLI Hoi. I In Christian Thoutht and -Action." Endeavor at 7 Evening worship at 8 o'clock, subject. "Tho Place of America In Social ami Religion Progrefs." MlSI Mitchell will slntr In the morning anl Miss Stevens will nlng In the cvirnlnc Pirht Methodist churrh, botwien Washington and Adams avenues, on Twenty-fourth street; Rev Samiiil Hlulr pastor Sunday-school at 10 a. in : Prof. V. 1, I'mlnm-. .. urrlnt.-n I-mt. I-mt. At 11 0 m. Jiiilgo r.r-n T.lndfey of Denver Den-ver Will speak on th'j boy problem. It will be Interewtlr. as tho Judgo is h worlJ-re-nowned wovker alone thin Una. ah arc Invited In-vited Tie ii- will b- no ovcnlnc services. Gem on Evangelical, St. Paul's church, Herrman u i"ir. pastor; comor Twenty third stre.it and Jefferson avenut Sunday -school. 10 a. m. Preaching at H a. m Immediately Im-mediately after morning services wo wilt try to hnvo a short business m Sting Of till the ixiembr8 of tho congregation. Pleads let every one t present liy o.dcr of pastor and church council. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Services st church edifice, corner of Lincoln avsnus and Twenty-fourth Street, at ll a. 111 ; subject. sub-ject. "Ufa." Sunday-scbocl at 10 a. m. Regular Regu-lar Wednesday evening ting at I o'clock At thir meeting testimonials ore given of the healing of nin and sickness, .mi ur..- cordlslly lnit':.i to these meetings. The Christian Bel enco free reading-room In the yz- iic. bnlldlne, sultu 212. are open dally. 01 ii s-iiiilay. In a in. to 12 m , and from 2 to 5 p. m, All 11 e wtlcom. Th Christian Science society holds .service at 11 a. in. in tho Congregational crum h eii-flce, eii-flce, corner of Adams avenue and Twenty-fifth street, subject. "Life." Sunday-school at 1 a. m. Wetlneaday evening testimonial meetings meet-ings are hold at 8 o'clock. The public Is cordially cor-dially Invited to attend thes.0 servlcee. Church of the Good Shep'uerd, corner Grant and Twenty-fourth, Alfred Brown, rector. Secvond Sunday after Trinity Farly celejjca-tlon, celejjca-tlon, 7:20 a. m. SuDday-clio.-il '.. t: Holy communion and sermon, 11. Evenlnt prayer and ssrmon. 8 o'clock. Central Park Presbyterian church, corner of Thirty-first and a-shlnc'.oti Services at 11 a. rn and S p. m Morning subject. "Chrlsl CniciMed." Bvsnlnc subject, ' Sanctlflcatlon. ' Sunday-school at 13 o'clock. V. P meeting at 7 Thursday prayer meeting at 8 o'cloi k S'dlsM Lutheran church, corner of Twan-ty-thlrd and JtiffetTon avenue; O. A Klniqulst, pastor Sunday : No morning service; pastor at Dlnghuin. English Sunday-school at 12:15, Swedish evening tvIi at SutJe-ct, 'The Price of Christian Life-" Wednesday Bible study and pmyor intwtinir. . in Thursday LadlsR' AI1 society at 'J .30 . in . entertained by Mrs. A ""'hrlstonson. 30.V) Aclams avenue yen are cordially welcome. Ftr-t Baptist church; Horaco B. Blood, pastor. pas-tor. On account of the repairing of it church thtro Will be no preaching services on Sunday. Sun-day. The Sunday-school will meet n usual at 12:05 Prof. J A Smith, superintendent Young People's meeting a 7 o'clock, industrial indus-trial iCh'.j for the boys Monday at 3 f,,r the girls. Honda) - o'clock, Mi l sreek prayer ssrvlco Thursday evening at 8 o'clock |