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Show THANKS OF ANGELEN0S. Salt Lake Real Estate Association the Subject of Resolution. Th Salt Lako Real Eftato association cs-trday cs-trday recchiKl from tins Los Angflcs R any board tho follow InB letter, whlcn Is self-explanatory : "Ry resolution of los Anreles Realty hoard, at lis regular meeting on June 2; last, I was Instructed to convey to tho Salt Laks Real Hstato association tho hearty thnnks ujid appreciation ap-preciation of this board for tho courtesies and ' ntertalnment extended to tho members of tho committee of this hoard, which participated In tho recent excursion from L.)s A n-eles to S.tlt Lake Clt v "ThoHo memlvers of that c-jmrnltteo who ' piesent at our meetlnR spoko in the most crateful and complimentary wn of the rnan-ner rnan-ner In which you gentleman "f the salt l.ak association welcomed tlum. and It Is, I ,-nri sure th'i feiillng of our orgunlzutlon that your klndneKfl has doir mu h to CUltlvatO a lasting M'irit of fraternity and reciprocity between the two cities and tho reppcctivo memberi .'f '.ur crgar.lzot Ion." |