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Show PROCLAMATION. MAYOR S OFFICE. Salt Lake City June :o. 1905. Whereas, Under section S09 of the City ordinances the Mayor of Salt Lai;,- City S vested With discretion ns in the use and display of llrewcrks within the oily limits Now therefore, f, Richard P. Morris, Mayor. In tin. exercise, of such discretion, make proclamation that the proper uso and display of fireworks, aquibs, rockets, torpedoes, serpents and other explosives within the city, will be permitted on va-canl va-canl b.ts and upon tin streets and public parks und grounds, under ihe control of tho city authorities on the Fourth of July next, between the hours of 4 o'clock n. m and midnight, subject, however, to the following restrictions: The discharge of fireworks, flrocraclo , ru gunpowder or other gplosiVCS In any alley, backyard or other confined place is hereby positive! prohibited. The dlschulg. uf guns, plelols i- vIcts Or other tlrearms or nnvils Is hereby absolutely ab-solutely prohibited under penalty of $.j for each offense The plui lng uiicui tho car track of any street railway or upon the rails of any railroad Within the limits of the city, any torpedo, bomb or other thing containing an Bubstante of an explosive nature is hereby absolutely prohibited under pen-ili pen-ili ) ..f $lu for each ofT OSS , 1 h gift or sal.- of toy pistols or metal caps to children is hereby absolutely prohibited pro-hibited and a violation of this provision will subject the offender to arrest and i line of $50. Under the citj ordinances parents are equally liable wllh dealers In allowing their Children the use of toy pistols or metal caps. Botillrcs upon any of the streets, alleys, hlghwuys. or parks within the city limits nr., hereby positively prohibited under penalty "f tl" law. nnd Police find Fire departments are hereby ordered to be vigilant vig-ilant and exercise authority In the enforcement en-forcement of all the, provisions of this proclamation. The Police and Fire departments are specially ordered to arrest any und all pi i suns' dir.. barging guns, pistols, revolvers re-volvers or other firearms or anvils, or placing explosives upon any car track wlllnn the city I'mlts. RICHARD P Mi iRRIS, Mayor. Attest. J S. CRITCHI.'.W Itv Recorder. liv RICHARD HARTLEY, Deputy. kl3 |