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Show PROBATE" AND GUARDIANSHIP IBv'iLl 11 NOTICES. lap V j j , Consult County Clerk or tho respective IfifH !i signers for further information. 9Sh I 1 ; k1?1" nTI.r? DISTRICT COURT. PRO- J V I bate division, In and for Salt Lake coun- ffili' u ty. State- of Utah.-m the matter of tho ISm! ! tatato of Martin Correll. deceased .-Notice. I; 'I . The petition for approval and settlement Mail V ,:H of tho annual account of trustee after dls- fflHii 1 JiH trlbutlon of the estate of Martin Correll, l&Sl ! 'i'l deceased, has been pet for hearing on Frl- lis! ,1 ' fl day, the 27th day of May, A. D. 1901. at 10 1 Sit 'l ' o'clock a. m., at tho county courthouse, IlriMf -' I In tho courtroom of said court, in Salt ,i ' . Lake City, Salt Lake county, Utah. l3r b 4 " Witness the Clerk of wild court, with the I'iBt: V i -1 i eeal thereof affixed, this 14th day of May. fl . 1 A. D. 1904. WSi ? 1 fM Seal. JOHN JAMES, Clerk. Vgl ,; I ' By David B, Davlcs, Deputy Clerk. l;S.1l , ' fM Stephens & Smith, Attorneys for Pctl- Biiyf ' J iH tloncr wl449 I'M 1. 1 , IN THE DISTRICT COURT, PRO- i bate division, In and for Salt Lake conn- qpt: i . tM ty. State of Utah. In tho matter of the rtUJ ' IH estate of Daniel S. Davidson, deceased. 8'S f ! Si iM Notice. 3; i ' 1 Tho petition far approval and settlement .! I . ! of tho account of the administrator of tha I C -' I liH cstutu of Daniel S. Davidson, deceased, : 8, f . I , has been set for hearing on Friday, the I'f. 1 1 I 27th day of May. A. D, 1901. at 10 o'clock , a. m., at tho county courthouse, In tho f courtroom of said court, in Salt Lako St V .t , H City. Salt Lako county, Utah. $M 1 fM WitnesB tho Clerk of said court, with -S l.jH the seal thereof affixed, this 14th day of 4j 6v , , , May, A. D. 1901. ! IS '( , Seat. JOHN JAMES. Clerk. 1 1 1 5l 1 ,VM By David B. Daviee, Deputy Clerk. I j K IN THE DISTRICT COURT. PROBATE Effi , r'lH Division. In and for Salt Lnko county. ;ls; lH State of Utah. In the matter of tha .glf I eatato of William H. Donnell, deceased. ilffVt ll IH Notice. m il Tho petition of Percv T. Sadler, admin- ; I M Istrator of the estate of William H Don- W! nell, deceased, praying for the settlement W'iS'i1 1 Hl of final account of said administrator and iiJ! IH for tho aummarv distribution of the resl- 3j! 1 duo of said estate to the persons entitled. AXP: , has been set for hearing on Friday, the ; lH'ii ' "i 20th day of May, A. D. 1904. at ten o'clock Itsl), ' f 1 a 31. ut the countv courthouse, in the nl ' IH courtroom of said court. In Salt Lks JH City. Salt Lako county, Utah. lw '.' , 1 Witness the clerk of said court with fkl , fM tho seal thereof affixed this 7th day of I'M, f May, A. D. 1901. , (Wlf . t ' fM (Seal) JOHN JAMES, ClerkS k i By David B. Davlcs, Deputy Clork. j 4! j I fM Price & McCreu, Attorneys for Feti- , fM tloncr. ; W7J2 HfJ .. 1 ' H |