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Show 4 'fill- 'M V' ' 'v ,' '!!' Ura m ? ONE OP THE NEW, COATS. 'til; F DESIGN BY 3rAY aiANTON. J$ r slj! i" MISSES' COTjLARLESS JACKET 471-1. H 'W013 mado Perfcclly flat finish at the neck are the latest and smart-5, smart-5, hi! Wn and wl be nuch worn the season through In all light-weight cloths. it vQ?!Je aHows a choice between mandolin and plain sleeves and Includes seams 'J 'blhp V rnt and 1)ack thut exlnd t0 thc shoulder, so giving a tapering effect I'ald UFe The niodel ,i3 made of tan colored cloth with trimming of mohair W tinvn"!1 15 closed bv means of buttons and loops but the finish can be one of J? Wen i and lhe closin vin De rnade invisible by meana of a fly whenever nrds f,f ' T ,nalce the Jacket a Srl o 14 years of age will be required SV 3 'fri v nlatcr,al 2 yards II or IV- yards 52 Inches wide, A May Manton pat-m pat-m 'lorlm V11, al7c 12 lo 10 'ears. will bo mailed to any address by thc Fashion j-t , ' "nenl of this paper on receipt of ten cent3. f H , --'r imt to r t fatlera No , . . (Ten Ccnta Inclosed.) , As orders are fillod from thc East1, it will require about ten days M lwni receipt of order, to receive patterns. |