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Show 15 CENTS SALE PRICE OF 4 C00 POUNDS OF WOOL Special to Tho Tribune. COALVILLE, Utah, May 1C. About 40,-000 40,-000 pounds of wool belonging to NcfC Bros, was sold here Saturday to Lyon & Co. of Salt Lake, tho price paid being 15 cents per pound. This Is the best price received re-ceived by the sheepmen in this part this season. Tho Summit Improvement company began be-gan business here today, with W. L. Hansen Han-sen as manager. t The operetta, "The Berryplckcrs," waa given by local talent at lloytsville Saturday Satur-day night. Tho proceeds go to benefit tho new amusement hall at that place. About COO persons wero present The regular quarterly conference of Summit stake was hold here Saturday and Sunday. Tho attendance wns large, Loral Lo-ral men wore the npoakors, The singing was tho best ever heard ln the town, Buys "Wool for Boston Firm. Special to Tho Tribune. ' MODENA, Utah, May 10. R. M. Tuttle Tut-tle of the Central Utah Wool company of MantI, Utah, purchased 40,000 pounds of wool here yesterday for a Boston firm. o P. H. Cook of the Oregon Short Line and Union Pacific railways was here yesterday loading wool for his lines. The Southern Utah Experiment farm, distant live miles from St. George, will build a telephone line to St. George, connecting with the line which has Just been completed, for the purpose of receiving re-ceiving the dally weather forecasts which are transmitted from Modena. RIverton Station Reopened. Special to Tho Tribune. DRAPER. Utah. May 16 After bolng closed for several months, the station at RIverton on the Rio Grando Western rall-vay rall-vay has been reopened, with C. L. Jcnson in charge. Mr. Jcnson served tho company com-pany as agent for fourteen years previous to the closing of the office. The citizens of RIverton and Draper are pleased with his reappointment Brought to Salt Lake for Burial. Special to The Tribune. EUREKA. May 1C. Cathcrino Junlta, the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gus A. Franke. died here yesterday afternoon. Tho remains wero shipped to Salt Lake Cllv for burial today by Undertaker A. N. Wallace. |