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Show lawyers Convicted of Conspiracy Two Portland Attorneys Must Pay the Penalty for Defrauding Uncle Sam. PORTLAND, Or.. May 1G. After being out about an hour this evening, tho j grand jury In ihc United States District Dis-trict court brought in u verdict of guilty In the case of T. A. Wood and Hosea Wood, who were on trial for conspiracy con-spiracy to defraud the United States Government Gov-ernment of pensions. Tho jury recommended recom-mended clomoncy. and It is probable that tho prisoners will be let off with fines. T. A. "Wood is an attorney in this city and for years was prominent In the agitation agita-tion that preceded the pensioning of the soldiers of tho First Oregon volunteers, who aided In suppressing tho Indians In Oregon amd Washington In an early day. After the pension law had been passed Wood Immediately commenced practice as a pension attorney, and through wldo acquaintance ac-quaintance with tho old soldiers did nn extensive business. In aoino way tho Government became suspicious of the genuineness of some of Wood's clients and started an Investigation, Investiga-tion, which revealed that Wood was uttering ut-tering false affidavits when that was necessary ne-cessary to perfect nn application for pension. pen-sion. Wood was arrested, brought to trial and today convicted of the charge. Hosea Wood Is thf son of T. A. Wood and his partner, and aided his father In his Illegal praetlre. |