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Show II! Anyway, our baseball enthusiasts will I not see Salt Lake's team lore any games ithla week. !; It the Japaneso do any running from ' a battlefield. It Is because they have to (j do It to catch up with the Itusrslans. Ij This is not a. good season for the Cherry named for Judge, as he Is not of ,' the famous Black Republican variety. !, k But before they fight each other the ;j pugilists may have to show their merit "I in a few rounds with the city authorities. authori-ties. . I if Hoodlums cannot believe that there Is Jiny law so unfair as to prevent them Xrom doing as they) please In Liberty Park. . "j Republican delegates cou.d' not think of nominating Democrats, feeling, as they did, that it was their duty to put r up the best men. IN "When a Republican convention has some nominations that no Republicans i want, the Democrats should come around again j Victories may have made Uie Japanese Ja-panese proud, but nevertheless 'they are perfectly willing to enter Port Arthur l through the back door. I How can Gorman honorably support Towne for the Democratic Presidential nomination, when he is committed to a well-known Senator from Maryland? In making Its offer to the Republi- 1 cans, the Democratic convention emphatically em-phatically endorsed the great principle that It Is better to have half a loaf than j no bread. I But If the outlook for Democratic suc-, suc-, cess had been bright, possibly In the ? rush of business the Democratic con-' con-' ventlon would not have thought of of- fe'rlng to nominate two Republicans. Among hundreds who have reached St. Louis as editorial excursionists are no doubt many whose Intimate connection connec-tion with newspapers has consisted of holding them In their hands at odd times. It The Japanese no doubt understood fully that they were engaged In perilous work when thc-y were taking up Russian Rus-sian mines In Tallenwan Bay. But they lost a torpedo boat and a dispatch boat which engaged In that business. It Is, of course, necessary for them to have' ' the bay cleared, In order to land their army of Investment of Port Arthur. But surely they must have been careless to lorn two vessels in taking up the mines. I The United States furnished horses and mules by the shipload to the Brlt- ish In their war with the Boers of South t Africa, and now Russia and Japan are ; reported to be sending agents here to buy horses for military remounts, and for their batteries. It ought to be a profitable business for American horse- raisers; but -we surely have more hope of falling to Japan than to Russia, for j Japan can take away the goods, while i Jtuss.a cannot. It will be remembered that Russia bought large quantities of j beef at Chicago and Kansas City, early in the war, but could get it no nearer J to the scene of operations than our west j coast, because of the fear of Japanese cruisers confiscating it . as contraband j of war. But Japan, as mistress of the j sea, can take und deliver whatever she buys. The Methodists have been dealing with a sore subject at Los Angeles the re-flt re-flt tlrement of the older bishops. They have H' no age limit of retirement, and very likely such a limit would do more harm than good. But the younger ministers In the church are restive for promotion, and their influence always goes for the making of vacancies. It is often a cruel thing, too, to oust a bishop, Just as he, may be In the very prime of his U6eful-ness, U6eful-ness, and remonstrances always accom-pnny accom-pnny the act of ouster. It always causes heart-burnings, these displacements, and they will cause even more than usual this time, there arc so many of them, and some of the ousted feel that they H arc quite as capable as they ever were Hl of doing the work of their olllcc. It is a hardship, any way It can bu looked at, but it Is tho way of humanity, and the sufferers can make their voices heard but a short while anyway. It In. moreover, an undeniable fact that some of I he younger men In the conference are far more capable than any of the 'bishops who are retired and have eorncd the promotion they seek and some of them will get. |