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Show IS WEli Tells (tf lis fagjp Troubles, li Ik How the Story of Tl Wives Got Started Amoni'l the Neighbors. How Miss McDonald Came to Bfe' Member of the Inlow House- hold. MJ MaiL CARRIER CHARLES LOW denies strenuously thafflb is guilt of too much marrylp or of that ho hat- contcinplal overstepping the legal bounds in sjljjj cases provided. He declares that m. the victim of mlsrepreventatlor. mjflfj one hand and a peculiar combing tlqft; circumstances om tho oth' r, Thkhly to bear out tho misrepresentations!!; some extent but are wholly InnoM)? when perfectly understood. W "There is very Utth of truth In iK atory about my marital troubles, a poj lion of which seems to have been qJr. ceivetl in this city and the nmainSj coming .from Omaha.-" Bald Mr luwf ycBterday, when askc-d' for his vcrsflt of the strange affair. "So far ?s ltf! plies that I have married or altempfl to narry more than one woman; fi story 19 absolutely falre "Mis Jennie McDonald, o Itj housu for me a ftw weeks beforofj marriage of myself and Miss Ilattltx.il land, and returned: a short time afl our marriage, is a respectable- you woman who has been a member otfi family for several year9 and whonj have regarded as a slsti r When I 111 In Omaha, prior to being transfcrre this city last November, my family ct slsted of my mother. Ml.s McDora and a little girl who is my ward. Wh Miss McDonald came here It was prepare for the coming of my motnl But In the meantime I had hem in.ci rc-spondonce with Ml" Irdarol nnejf lad decided to marry. Whs n mot learned; this she concluded to roptp her coming indefinitely . but rswejh the household In runnlrg order. M McDonald consented to stay until fi wifo should come. J Married in March. 1 "Mis Ireland arrived on March 3,g wo were married on th same- dayj presumed that she va? .i trtuous wol an nnd the marriag- was entered JJ In good faith on my part Very ra afterward, however, I discovered thai had been duped." Ttu very serlo charges made against h! wlfe'fcli acter are omitted here- "We neer qiw reled about this or any other maUer.il! I told her frankly that I tuld not U with her. Sho ngr' d the-iii that 5n would go to live with an uncle in Mexico. At first we did not thmk ofj divorce, but before arrangements forfo departure could be made the subject! a divorce came up and we- wentt gather to a lawyer, ho told u that could get us a legal separation. I p a lawyer 540 or $50 In fees ard theg vorce proceedings were In progress, &s supposed, when my wife suddcrly dl appeared. I never Crt her from n homo !nor gave any exc use for herf leave when she did Or the othrr hai she was perfectly welcome to rema until sho was ready to go to her o home or elsewhere, our urderstandtt as to the separation livlng been ira tual and amicable. 1 Miss McDonald Came Afjain. I "Following our agreement to spara I advised my mothri of the rltuath and she again sent Mi"? McDonald to do my houseJeepir-fi until moth should; get ready to eoire There w never a thought of Mlss McDorald a I marrying. My wife understood ourji latlons perfectly and she and Miss M Donald were filendly ourl.ig the tin that my wife remain d On accountl our long acquainlamr we ror.sldercdj perfectly proper for her to cortlnuB keep house for me, v i. after my wl had left. We had no smts thnt.W cared to keep from anyone and oiirgn latlons aro and alwajy ha-vo b en pj fectiv honorable. W "The misunderstanding an.ong neighbors which has created H jrtnj talk was all the result of a Creak of r wife. After our separation rati bee agreed upon she conceived tho Idea tha elie wanted to go to Nw Mexico aSJ single woman, and she thought It woui help matters somewhat o have It r. known here that she wa married. a she went to a neighbor woman, to who I had previously introduced hr as m wife, and told her that the Jrlroductia had been made in that way as a Jokj that she was my cous'rt ard th.it tj? other woman, Miss M DoriM. was n wife. Then she wanted ir to tell " other mall carriers that we- had been married, but I retw'2 to do thi She declared, however, trit Fhe vow tell them and one itnlr.g when in three of up were callln? at the homefe one of the boys she did tell thrm thi Mlsa McDonald was try wife anej. save further embarrassing iP'' at the time. Mlsa McDor.aki ard I ooi Indorsed her statement, f "That is poritlvely all there is to! I have corresponded wita o girll Iowa or elsewhere with a lc . of am rlagc and have done nc.tr.lrg el- tnatt am ashamed of. with the- I'onT having been fooled into irirrilrg iw girl." 1 |