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Show HIGHWAYMAN HOLDS Ur? ANOTHER PMN IN 0GDEN Special to The Tribune. OGDEN. May K-Charles Blair was held up by a masked highwayman at 2 o'clock this morning near tho corner of Seventh streot and Washington avenue nnd robbed of $2.70, a pocket-knife and two rings. The hold-up, ;i big follow, pushed a gun In Blair's face and demanded ills valuables. No accurato description of the fellow la obtainable. Gov. John Sparks of Nevada was ln Ogdcn today. . IT. W. Dunn of St Louis Is in the city. II, F. McCourt was arrested this morning morn-ing as he stepped from the Incoming Rio Grando Western train, by Policemen Pin-cock, Pin-cock, Slceth, Hndlock and Tout Ho is wanted ln Colorado Springs for Bteallng a saddle and riding outfit He had tho saddle ln his possession when arrested. P. C. Kittle Is In town from Promontory. M. J, Hogan Is In town from Pocatcilo. Senator Reed Smoot wa3 in the city a few hours today. . A horso attached to a delivery wagon belonging to Smith Bros., upholsterers, ran away on Washington avenue today, but no damage wns done. John Lewis died at his residence, 3154 Pacific avenue, Sunday night, of tumor. U If Mrs. Jennlo E. Nelson left today for an extended trip east. a S. J, Kellcy, manager of tho Shamrock Athletic club, was In Ogdcn today. a a S. O. Burguln Is to be examined as to his sanity. He went to the Ogden State bank and drew a check for $200. payable to G-eorge Washington. Tho bank notified tho police, and Sergt. Chambers arrested the man. Ho Imagines that he is Interested Interest-ed ln every bank of Utah. Frank Farroll, a demented soldier from the Philippines, lumped from a Southern Paclllc train at Corlnne, Utah, today, and walked Into Ogden. Farrell was mustered out of tho service about two months ago and was on his way home He got on a big spreo at San Francisco and his comrades com-rades were compelled to keep a strict watch on him. In spite of their vigilance ho escaped and Jumped from tho train, 1T,rr. 1,.-. mol,n,l ro..l l, .... by Ofilccr Felker and will be held until he recovers. It Judge Rolapp heard tho following cases today in the District court: James G. Wilkinson and Walter Bunyar. charged with breaking Into tho store of I. Richmond, on Twenty-fifth street, pleaded plead-ed guilty and will rccclvo their sentenco on Wednesday. W. Miles, charged with robbing a man in a Twenty-fifth street saloon, and James McPherson, who Is alleged to havo forged a check cn John Ilnmncr, both pleaded not guilty and will havo their trial on June 7. Joseph Murloy and Thomas G. Halo pleaded not guilty to a charge of burglary. Thoy are tho two men who, together with Jack Hailing, aro alleged to havo entered the Jewelry store of John Boltzer on Grant avenue. Although Fred Planz has married Miss Edna Smith, the charge against him has not yet been withdrawn, and ho was or- morning-. Tho costs of tho suit havo not yet been defrayed, nnd that bill will havo to be squared before tho chargo Is withdrawn. with-drawn. An Information was filed today against Frank Smora, charging him with burglary. bur-glary. Mary E. Ferris vs. Modern Woodmen of America was continued. Tho motter of the guardianship of Tliel-ma Tliel-ma Stono and Edith Stono is now on trial before tho court. The Board of County Commissioners held an unimportant session today. Tho chairmen of the various county committees commit-tees were Instructed to submit names for appointment as registry agents. Mr Wilson reported that the steam roller had been demanded by Ogden City and would bo returned Tuesday; also, that he had visited tho Birch Creek road and found It badly damaged by the break-lrg break-lrg of tho Scars reservoir, but that tho work of repair was already ln progress. Councilman Chambers has taken pity on the weak and tired hobo who seeks his night's rest In Lester and Liberty parks. Also he has a big place In hifl heart for tho lads and lassies who like to spend a pleasant evening In these retreats, and ho manifested tho same by suggesting to the City Council tonight that they furnish cots In place of benches. A suggestion hndbcen made that moro benches were needed in the paries, and Mr. Chambers wanted theso benches upholstered. The matter went to tho Public Buildings and Grounds committee. Thomas II Carr Is Mayor of Ogden City. Tonight Mayor Glaamann sent in a communication com-munication which said that ho had gono East, to bo absent about a month, and, i upon motion of Councilman Paine, Prefll- dent Carr .was unanimously elected Mayor May-or pro tern Councilman Nyo was selected select-ed as President pro tern. P. J. Moran of Salt Lake City was tonight to-night awarded a contract for tho uavlng of Twenty-fifth street. Mr. Morah was the lowest bidder, and, upon recommendation recommenda-tion of the City Engineer, was awarded the contract by unanimous vote. Judge Hall, ln behalf of the Carnegie library board, asked an appropriation for tho Improvement of tho grounds The request re-quest was granted to the extent of $200. William G. Wilson was granted the contract con-tract for furnishing rock for tho stockado at OS cents per ton. Tho contract with the Utah Power and Railway company for furnishing 117 arc lights was approved. The City Engineer reported that the city had gained Jurisdiction to pave Wall avenuo. The sum of $150 was appropriated for tho Chief of tho Fire department to purchase a horse. An ordinance providing for a license of $050 a year for the use of trading stamps was Introduced and went to tho Committee Commit-tee on Laws. The ordinance providing for sowers ln district No. 9 waa passed. The exhibit prepared for the Utah State school for the dpaf, dumb and blind was on exhibition this afternoon and evening at tho institution. Hundreds of persons visited tho school during tho day and admired the exhibit, which consists con-sists of a large cabinet containing samples sam-ples of drawing, blacksmlthlng, ehocmak-ing. ehocmak-ing. carpentering, sewing, needle work and other arts. The exhibit Is to be forwarded for-warded to St. Louis and placed In tho Utah exhibit at the world's fair. |