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Show H ,9 COFFEE I 1 I .US9... I I I POSTUM I H I FOOD COFFEE I , i "THERE'S A REASON." 1 g World's Fair exhibit, space 103, H Agricultural building pmt puting the fact that 'HSKJEPv'"' man's heart is often reached through the stomach. Happy the housewife who can 1 please her husband's appetite with well i cooked food for the table. Many a man is frrouchy, ugly, nervous, suffering from distress dis-tress after eating-, heart palpitation, and all through the overworked stomach. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which helps the digestion of food in the stomach, assists the blood in taking up the froper elements from the food, helps the ivcr into activity, thereby throwing out the poisons iu the blood and vitalizing the whole system. This assimilation helps in the oxidation of the red blood corpuscles, the poisons in the sy6tem are eliminated, the heart gets the right kind of blood and the person feels invigorated and stronger in consequence. As a tissue builder it is far preferable to cod liver oil or any alcoholic alco-holic compounds or tonics, because it gives the blodd and the tissues the food elements they require and maintains a person's nutrition by enabling him to cat, retain, digest and assimilate nutritious food. It overcomes the gastric irritability, and lymptoms of indigestion. Because of the Kooa effects from using Dr. Pierce's Golden , Medical Discovery upon nutrition aud the building up of'thc tissues, catarrh, con-I con-I sumption, weakness or debility and syinp- toms of fever, night -sweats, headaches, etc., disappear. "I believe that ft Is generally conceded that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Is the best medicine for a man to take nuflerfng from lndlgestlonkidncy trouble, or any of the afflictions afflic-tions resulting from overwork or ncRlecUng a cold," writes J. Russell Hill, of 333 Barrie Street, Kingston, Ontario. Recording Secretary Imperial Impe-rial KuighU' Federation League of Kingston. "I have used it aeveral times during the past few years and have always found tnaHt gave me immediate relief. It expel excessive uric acid In the Bystcm, due to improper dlgcstlou, relieves the kidneys from congestion, drives headache and backache away, induces appetite and tones up the general system. I consider it a fine remedy for young or old men, sure to build up a run-down condition of the 5y6tcn.n DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Have You Rheumatism, Kidney, Liver or Bladder Trouble? To Prove what Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy, will do for YOU, all our Readers May Have a 5ample Bottle Sent Free by Mail. Pain or dull ache in the back Is un- mistakable evidence of kidney trouble. It Is Nature's lmely warning to show you that the track of health is not 'clear. If these danger signals are unheeded, more oerlous results are sure to follow; Brlght's disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble, may steal upon you. The mild and the extraordinary effect ef-fect of the world-famous kidney and bladder remedy. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- j Root, is Mon realized. It stands the I highest for its wonderful cures of the , most dirtressing cases. A trial will I convince any one and you may have a sample bottle free, by mail. Gentlemen I attribute my present good health to Swamp-Root. I suffered suf-fered many years with kidney trouble trou-ble and had an almost constant pain in my hack. Your great remedy, Swamp-Soot, cured my trouble, and I have since been perfectly -well. Yours truly, B. H. Chalker, .Ex-Chief of Police, Ozark, Ala. Lame back is only one symptom of kidney trouble one of many. Other symptoms showing that you need Swamp-Root are, being obliged to pass water often during the day and to get up many times during the night, inability inabil-ity to hold your urine, smarting or Irritation Irri-tation in passing, brick-dust or sediment In the urine, catarrh of the bladder, uric acid, constant headache, dlzzlnera. sleeplessness, nervousness, Irregular heart-beating, rheumatism, bloating, irritability, ir-ritability, wornout feeling, lack of ambition, am-bition, loss of flesh, sallow complexion If your water when allowed to re-I re-I main undJcturbed in a glass or bo'tle L enty"four hours' -rms a seoi-ment seoi-ment or settling, or has a cloudy ap- nvancc; ,,l,,s evidence that your kld- tentlon bladder nced immediate at- ..rn11! t?,!"S Swanin-Ttoot you afford nat- E r thi,eip t0 NalurC for Swamp-iRoot aid to m9t, ,p,erfect hler and gentle nJllinm"10, kldnevs that Is known to medical science. I nn"r?"Root ,s tne 6rejlt discovery of Wnri,iJ er H10 emlncnt kidney and ini?fCclttllst' Hospitals use it with uonaerful success in both Plight and severe cases Doctors recommend it to KmS,wbe.c?S8e they denize in bu amp-Root the greatest and most suc- rSf iMmedy,.for nny d-angcmcnt of the kidneys, liver and bladder. So successful is Swamp-Root in promptly curing even the most distressing distress-ing cases, that to prove its wonderful merits you may have a sample bottle nnd a book of valuable information both sent absolutely free by mall The book contains many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women cured The value and success of Swamp-Root is so well known that our readers are advised to send for a sample bottle In writing io Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Blngham-ton. Blngham-ton. N. Y.. be sure to say that you read this generous offer In The Salt Lake City Dally Tribune. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root is what you need, you can purchase the regular 50-cent and $1 size bottles at drug stores everywhere Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Swamp-Root, Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Blng-hamton. Blng-hamton. N. Y. on every bottle. fBV3AfaHO0 RESTORED "oupibehe" TCljfeVfuSf This BTeut Vrnnfcbl Yttallier. tbo preicrlpUoa of a famerai French pbTsleimn, tt11 egfiW 9 (W& qalcfclr euro TJ'of oil narrooa ordlstaioa of lbs f enrtlTorao.iu.aach ttXott Mho ffSfc fjm hood, I mora old, Pstlu Io tho Back, BmIoal mlilon. Ncnroai Debility rc&f rirnplci, UniltaM to marrr, Exhausting lrto, Varicocele, und Copiil pattou. Itttopi U lottt br aa? or oUbt. PromAtnrlti. which If not obeotod lead tL. r-tt (n BpermatorTba kht all tho borrora of Jatstenc? DUJPIDEXE clcamos tho llrer poWdnoyn. OoPIDEMB otrnjthiBB and roitorcs, Tba rcmon iratrnrer aro not curd br doctor Io becaato nlnotr per onu are tmnbletf with irotatltla. CtTPIDEjVE te ituc oclr knotrn fomoj-10 fomoj-10 can without in Operation. tjtXO WUmonlal. A wrltlea ruarate sItcq and mono; returned If l l-oifi do not caret a ptmnaDflot core. Bl.OO a boxi lx for U CO br nail. Bond tor fro circular nod kutlm&nlaU i.d(troii DATOL UXII1CINB OO., Baa tSrancliu, Cal, GOD BE-PITSB 3X&TJQ CO Salt Lako City. TJtaik, Ajronta. j Any $3.00 Soft or Derby Hat I in Our Store for l 'i : : i i ; We havo sold Sixten Doz- jj en. in tho last Four Days. i rj I All of this Season's S Spring Style. j 153 MAIN I East Side, Under tho Electric Sign Gray's" OXFORDS.! PATENT IRdTT Toe 0I ,. $5.00 j M PATENT COLT OX- $5.00 J VICI BLUCHER"B0ST0N" $5100 I PATENT COLT BLTJCBER 0x . . $50 ' VICI KID 0X-- B 1 $3!00 wv VELOUR CALF OXFORD! $2.50 f The Moore Shoell 258 So. Maia St. SIGN OF if THE 33G SHOEI 1 Homse j g Cleamng j gg Helps. , 3? L,lltlc things that make clan. tfjj lng. disinfecting nr.d packing SIT away easy. ; B IJoro are tho things you want, w We. havo thorn all at the Vigf.t prices. ; Chamois Skins. 15fir Feather Dusters Sh Sponges. Chloride of Lime. JCTk Ilouyeholil Ammonia. 1 5F Gray's Disinfectant. ffm Moth Balls. gr Tar Paper. Ol Sulphur Candle?. 5 Powdered Borax R?) Order hy telephone We win . aiT deliver promptly. Our nunbfr W$ Is 100. i Bruehl & FranKen,; ft DRUGGISTS, 1 ; Southeast Corner Main aadl Third South Streets, Salt Lake City. IThe Best Whisker Needs no Praise. 1 Old Cambridge Rye1 1 Old Crow Bourbon! I THE ZANO, I ROPER & MAYER. ' 1 S03 W Second South SL j m ESTABLISHED 137X f J OHN BUCKLE & SON, jj Popular Tailors. II 236 SO. MAIN ST, Jj P. O. Box 682. Bait L&JuMr and electrical supplies in our busajj Can wo servo you in any w ' E trie bell system is a clever mu M $ o.bl.pr!.WECAlun. J J In mock at nil IBM flleriM. MB. JJ t. buttons, electric .b dc, ' i In our line. I. M. HIQLEY & CO! 5 HONEST PLUMBEBS. Electric "Wiring and Jl1xt"ff L Jb ; 109 East Flt South. Telephone 'lrafi MARVEL Whirling S(i tl jtarCrtiiMtir ll. AEiy jC. ,f h r-ADiKrliUPPlr tee .JPIf, - Sk3R! 3IAKVKL. accept V I mk Hill partlcnUr. mkI rft$ ft! CO.rU Ok For sale by .ilR Hill Drug Co. and Clias. v" p |