Show Di1 SPEAKING OF SPORT I Yesterdays winners al Tanfornn Van heL tine Bonnie Llssak Ollnlhus Sirs Bru nell nnd Rpse Ormonde C F Winners cl Now Orleans savllla Jnn Ge1 owood Cad Hazel Bristol PlIlarOlBl L Lnuronlo and I3cquoaUi < At a meeting of the Associated CycllnK clubs of Chicago It was decided to hqld iii the niinual road race over tho Pullman course on July Uh The University of Pennsylvanias official 1 entry to the Henley I rcgatla has been for Ik ardcd by uuijl 10 Chairman Thomns cr ° Renth of the rowing cpminlltcc rite list of Hie enivlos conlahiH twqhtylwo names Oxford rowed over tho full course from 4 Pulney lo Mori lukc In Q mlnuteg a md 50 Auti nfconds yn a rough flood tIt The Cum tcs U brfdKd crew rowed the numo dlKtanco on Sunday on Un ebb lldq In 10 minutes and ° IB I uecondb llntlons > for trnlnors licenses have t wen coming into the New York Jbckey 17 O club recently but thy Joekoyt arx not as J eager Jockey Spencer him made an np 2 Hucatlon for a lIcense but Sloan has not nicL1t itjip1i cl rarkZ brake Knox Obcrlln Grlnnell Lako Iaid Zorest University of MlKHourl Western risorvo and the University of Nebraska j nave ulV ivrlt ton initors to lie secretary t J 1 of Infe Wcalcui JntorcollcRluto Anjatur Athletic asbnclailon aaylntr officially thoy would atnnrl by ihn TiBSDclutlou AH racing wan confined lo Tmforan yes wrr terday thoro WOK a marked Increase In i nttnihan nnd eighteen bObksr wero do rr ing business In adillllon to Iwo field books FF Tli 9 most excltlntf feature of thn nfier sr noon wiis n rjdari heut hut VCOII Kdgardo nnd Wyoming In Hie I milL and Blxtecnth event |