Show OltlTimc Days in Coppers LTUIBUNE SPECIAL Boston Mas March i9Oldtlrne days in in copper market were recalled re-called today by the extensive movements move-ments in a number uf stocks Trl Mountain the leader ndvancing to 10 Ulnghjun and United Slaics wore close seconds In point of Interest and the buying of tho latter btlng of much the same character as noted on pie vlous days United SUtcn advanced 175 to SIS and BlnglmiTi 5150 to S26 50 Tin market closed buoyant and nt about highest prices of the day Horn blower Weeks brokers 63 State Street Boston furnish the following quoluUonq Sales HIgh Low Close Amalcd GJl 10162 JlOlOO JIOJCO Bln ham 5IQO yy 2il2 A viziut Cochltl SOO flue 1 s7i C Eureka lffi00 SO 00 DalyWest 3575 Utah SM 3ICO 33G2VA 51 do U S15010 18W 1100 1775 Curl Bo3lon 22 J2C2i4 Navaho 200 |