Show BASKETBALL AFFAIRS I ThL p S college second team defeated de-feated the second Y M C A last night In the Y M CJ gymnasium running up a score of 2 points to 1 Considering tho big odds tho Christians had lo contend con-tend against In height and weight they played a very Good game There was not a c man In the L D Steam who was not head and shoulders over any Y M C A plajcr Intho game Stanton of the L D S played a good game scoring 12 of the 20 points made Twentyminute halves were played the L D S scoring 12 to 7 In tho first half The lineup was as follows L1 D S College Y MC A Stanton r f Barnes Hamlln I C Stewart Peterson c Rasmussen Shaw t r b Cheshire ChristI I b Richardson Chrst > 4 4 Manager Bassctl oC the Lt D S team arranged a came with the B Y C oC Logan yesterday to take place next Saturday Sat-urday r lLoganTho loqal l team will have a much harder game to ploy this time than tilt last game The B Y C team has been strengthened by new material ma-terial and hard practice and expects to win If the L D S cannot put up a hotter hot-ter game than the last one they played a a a John hon president of the L D S College Athletlc association will leave Cole Provo Friday to compjeto arrangements arrange-ments with tHe B Y Atenm for an athletic tournament next month There will be competition In basketball baseball base-ball handball and S track 4 events Manager Fanning of the All Hal s team announced yesterday that Bob Canning ning and J M McKcnna will play In tomorrow to-morrow nights game against the Y M C A These two men have been laid up for thrco week and have crippled the leam very much by their absence Tho game tomorrow night will lib the last In tho schedule Organization of Hiflemen A marksmens organization to be known as the Salt Lake City Riflemen Is being formed Aa Its name Indicated the club will consist of rifle experts Tho mem brrshlp will be limited lo thirty and weekly shoots will be given Those who havo thus far Joined tilt club aro O E WilSon Fred Christensen R M Thompson Thomp-son C J Thomas D E Brockbank Alex Wcathcrson J T AVoodall CA Floyd and C ChrIstensen |