Show JV1WdI CRJIVIE AND CR MINALS Ht e With a pick provided by l outside friends three prisoners cOnilncd In the Outline OJcja jlty Jail made their escape Tho gran l Jury of Hudson county N J hif < handed down an Indictment against Thomas G Barter for lie shooting of Rev John Keller at Arlington on February JBL Febru-ary Stli Iflst l In Ihe Louisville Ky Police court tho 1 conspiracy charges ugnlnsl W Grcer iT Campbell E G Urn noil and Wilbur Beat r4 ty Denver capitalists wore dismissed on a motion of the prosecution I Judge Thompson of tho United Stales t court Cincinnati O Issued an order for eitiid the removal to Miles Mich of the Into Cashier Johnson of the First National or bank of that city who wna arrested on = Sunday In Columbus O An order In Dominion Council has been parsed commuting the death sentence passed on George St Cyo of Dawson City conUeiPd of shooting JnmoH Davis to Imprisonment for life They wore wootl choppers and had a quarrel I Buffalo N Y grand Jury has reported three Indictments ngnlnsl John IS Tip Ion secretarytreasurer of the Switch mens Union of North America each I charging grand larceny In the aocond degree de-gree In Having appropriated money be longing to the union The total shortage short-age In hjs accounts Is sad lo bo2 30 |