Show I H I I r of What was the name of Secretary Stale John Hays wlfcE L S dlara Stone Her father was Amasa Stone of Cleveland O i 0 a S t Is the crabapple a liillvc or this I c lintrrV F 1 The cultivated sort is a native oC Siberia but there are at least two crabapples that grow wild here whose J I fruit its more or less prized Wanthere ever employed Jn l scientific wnifure a projectile conl8tlfli of two cannonsballs chained together C 0 I S Fl J i t Yesftthis Is the chainshot which was I uscdGRijeclfrlly In navies In the days 0 whqu menorwar were made of wood andengaged at very close quarters ft ir lat Js meant by the honors of arBnJl 1 Marks ofrcspect paid or concessions granted to n defeated enemy They vary a greatt deal in different cases and are fixed by the s successful commander com-mander As applied to reviewers or military commands and to funeral ceremonies cer-emonies theterm Js mused U O < l Salt I > alcc City May ZOo 1000 I Editor Trlbunoi Kindly l give pronunciation pronun-ciation and definition or Sjambok In i I I your Sundays Issue It is a word used in South African war newA Header fthe1 pronunciation is syamitiok two syllables with accent on first syllable It IB a keen whlplnade of rhinoceros hide < 1 Ub Whcmvaa the first United Stales flag raised 2 Who said I am not a Virginian Vir-ginian but nnAmNlcanE A On August J 1777 at Fort Schuylcr N YN which was a military post on the site of the village of Home 2 Ha trick Henry before the Virginia convention con-vention of 1771 O 1 0 I A dispute has arisen ovcr the correctness cor-rectness of the use of the Initials of the husbands name when writing the address ad-dress of the wife will you dccldeG tW C If the husband Jiving > letters addressed ad-dressed to the wife should bear his initials in-itials If he Is dead the widow may use his Initials for a year and then use hor own though many continue to use j the husbands I I I Q 0 What arc the comparative weights of lee and water per cubic footll P Unless you are engaged In calculations calcula-tions demandinG nice accuracy you may take Ice at 57G pounds the cubic foot and water at G25 Water In creasesln weight from 62417 pounds at 32 degrees Fahrenheit to its maximum maxi-mum densityof G242o at WI degrees and then gradually decreases to 09853 its weight At hojljng point a c May 27 1900 Editor Trlbunel What kind or a religion or creed Is the OmIsh and by whom was It established 2 How is l the word Oberammergan pronounced 3 Why la Chicago sometimes called the windy and sometimes the white city and why the joke about the Chicago girls feet Dorothea TOmish is another name for the aienuonltes they reject Infant bap dam receive members only on profession profes-sion of faith prattlce nonresistance and refuse to do military service wherever they can they live In communities com-munities of thelr own 2 Obernmmer goro with accent on the syllable am 3 Iscalled the windy city because from prairie lake a wind Is always blowing the exposition buildings at the Worlds fair were called the Whits city the joke about Chicago girls feet arose before the city was paved and when It was claimed that feet had to bo extra large or they would get stuck in the mud It being of the same order of Joko that applied the name oC webfooters to Oregonians on account ofthe Constant rains of the coast set Ilo inenl3 > > 0 v a What Is the mechanical system of the mall tube service now In operation In I Ney York cltyO B L The propelling power Is compresned air and the tubes through which the cylindrical carriers arc shot are eight inches in diameter Tough the ap paratus at way stations and terminals is toocomplox for description here its Chief principles are old ones novelty coming only in small Improvements on previous pneumatic carriers l a O or Editor rljjuqo How many people were killed 1 in or by 1 the cyclone of May 27 1S9G How many jewels are there In a full jeweled watch Jacob Sloneker In flio tornado at St Louis Mo arid KasUSt Louis May 27 1S9C about 500 people wero killed and 1500 were hurt 2tUaualiy therearc but liflecn jewels in a watch but technically I Should bd Hevcnteen therj ll Then on the more sensitive hearings there is sometimes placed a rap Jewel which brings the v number up to twentyone jrl 0 I j Hojv aly bales inany of cotton arc pro duced In the each world and how many by country Also what is the con sumption bycountrleo II C K Last years cortsumptlon was in thousand bales Great Britain 3511 the f European continent 1830 the United L States 3a5G India 12D7 pther coun trips 727 Our crop for that year was VL35000 bales I The worlds cotton la l produced In about the following pro portion Tho United States 20 East t Indies 1 pthcr countries 2 a o t Howbig wan the moon Greely dis I covered on his Polar expedition 2 What is the scientific theory InS It Maximus concern JWe give It UI You have mine may In the macpcs of meteoric iron his covered In Greenland In JS94 by Lieut n E Peary These he has brought i tp Ct yiifj country The largest weighed ninety tons 2 Some scientists sider them to be largo shooting con stars but others dispute this pointing out tha in thak famously reat 1lrc Isno starshowers clone re o iccord of the fall of meteoric ADA e > Cashes May 30 1000 Editor Tribune rmunCYI1l you please an L lowing swer In njt Sundayjs Tribune the fol I question Do you understand d that Huntlnglons new railroad sout Jsgolng thl south through Lincoln county Nov sal Blohop Yes such waR the slat statement mCut made It Is lo run via the Vegas Meadow Valley Wash valley and a a What iBlho force in pounds H to the I square foot of a wind blowing forty fifty and thirty sixty miles 1L 1 per hour Wind pressures are much modified by qushluns of 81111 air held on exposed surfaces and by eddies at the margins of those surfaces Tho following fig ures are based on the RoblmiOnanem anem ometer and while lower than those ofum iRlvcn arc fairly reliable Thirty miles 2C1 to 121 pounds to the square foot forty miles 4A4 to C4 sixty miles 322 tolLO 9 Of vhal Is Portland cement com poBcQ and how Is it made Appren tice ticeOf 0 t Of chalk OP nnv ofhpl rich limestone I river mud or tiny and oxide nf lion The piopoitifjiiri vary at different works from 63 to SO per GIMU of limestone lime-stone to 35 to 20 per cent of clay andIron and-Iron oxide The Ingredients arc thoroughly thor-oughly mixed with water dried on hot i i plates calcined in a kiln and reduced to a fine powder Tho cement should l l be kept several months Jn a flry place I Its strength being thereby much Increased I In-creased a o i Who was the inventor of hard rubber such as Is used In cOlnhsli P You ask a decision of a moot point The Invention Is claimed for Nelson Goodyear whu also discovered and pal I ented thu iceeipt for vulcanized rubber He filed a caveat on the last day of JS49 and his patent was granted on May JJJS1 Austin G Day patented a compound in the summer of 38IS thut It lJ I > said In more nearly the vulcanite 01 hard rubber of Iommerce than the brittle composition of Goodyear but tho latters leprcsentatlves monopolized Days invention on the claim that It was covered by the Goodyear patent a Salt Lake May 31 1000 Editor Tribune A bets 0 tho t Jack Alford Is the Colonel of the First regiment I I regi-ment N G U 13 says that Morris L i Ritchie is the Colonel Which wins 2 t Please give a brief sketch of Cus I teis massacre 3 Whew la MaJ Reno Johnson 1 M r L RHchio is Colonel 2 The campaign was against confederate eJ 1 Sioux tribes about 90QU in number encamped t en-camped on the Little Dig Horn river In Montana On June 25 1S76 Jess than I 200 soldiers attacked a village while Custer with 277 troopers charged from another direction They were met with overwhelming numbers and the entire command was slain 3 MaJ Reno I I died In Pennsylvania some ten years 1 At the time of his death ago he was ion i-on the retired list e at I Will you sketch the life of Andrew Carnegie V Young SHe S-He was born at Dunfermline Scotland Scot-land November 25 1S35 came to this country in iSIS settling at Pittsburg Two years later he was attending n small stationary engine He was In succession telegraph messenger operator opera-tor clerk to a superintendent of telegraph tele-graph lines and division superintendent superintend-ent of a railroad TheiJUQUUs of his fortune came frpm the introduction of sleepingcars With others he bought for iOCOboil lands l Ihatpaid cash dividends divi-dends of over 1000000 l C year Soon nfterwatd he began investing 1 in roll I lur I mills c S I havo a silver modal that was found In I an Indian chiefs Rjave in Mississippi Missis-sippi sixty or seventy years ago Cw one side is the head of Jefferson and the inscription Thomafc Jefferson President 01 the United States 1S01 On the other are a hatchet and plpo crossed blade and bowl turned down beneath arc two clasped hands one with three bars on the sleeve cuff the other displaying en eagle The Inscrip tion Peace and Friendship appears on this side What about this medal Wheeler S This is Jeffersons Presidential medal one of the series sometimes called the Indian Presidential medals They began I be-gan with John Adams In 1707 And ended wlttf Zachary Taylor In 1S49 All had the Peace and Friendship side with occasional slight alterations t V 9 Why is iron ore first made Into coarse cast Iron even when Intended eventually eventu-ally to become wrought Iron Why should not this be done by one process B nIt n-It can be done by one process but not cheaply nor Is the product so uni I form In quality The disadvantages of the direct process are so many and so serious that it has practically disappeared as a means of manufactur ing wrought into for direct use Inventors In-ventors still regard Its possibilities with great Interest but as yet they do not discover commercially valuable processes Anyhow their reward for success will be much smaller than It would have been years ago for steel is I now so cheap that It has in largo degree driven wrought Iron out of the w market a b Salt Lake City June J How old must n boy be before he can onicr Annapolis 2 Upon what sub jects are the candidates examined T C B Not under 15 nor over 20 2 On tho ordinary branohes taught in the public schools e i How were the parties represented hi 1 Congress during Clevelands adminis f trations 2 What Judges voted for i t and against the Income lax Senator I At his Inauguration the Senate stood 1 iepublloan 12 Democrats 81 and thc House Republicans Demo eraIs 20 > 1 Independent 1 Two years lalcnthodlvlsfon was Seriate Rcpvb beans 39 i Democrats 37 House Rp I nubllcans s 153 Democrats JOS lude pondenu 4 At the beginning of his second term the Sonata consisted of 37 Republicans H Democrats and 5 Populists the House oC J2G Republi cans 220 Democrats and S Populists The next Congress had in the Senate lt Republicans S3 Democrats S Populists and 2 Silverites the House 2K Repub licans 101 Democrats and 7 Populists 2 Those who believed the law to be unconstitutional were Chief Justice Fuller and Associate Justice Field Gray and Brewer oppoaed to them were Associate Justices Harlan Brown Jackson and Ayhlte Associate Justice Shlras finally changed his opin I ion and voted against the lawiW O U I Did the United States buy California from Mexico and 1C so what was the price paid 2 What arc the three great annual feasts of tho Jews and when Is each celebrated 3 What Is the differ I once between a pro cuchc and a syna gogue S C B I Mexico had to cede California to us as a Iesult of the war of 181G7 butthis country paid Mexico in000000 and as 6 urn 11 certain claims of our citizens against her these amounting to more than 3000000 2 The Passover last ing seven days and beginning on the evening of the 35th day of th JeD fsh month oCNIean Pentlcost one day L I commencing on the evening of the 7h I of SI van and Feast of Tabernacles I seven days beginning on the 10th of Tlprl According lo f our calendar these 1 arc mow hie feasts thin year they fall respectively on April NUt June 3rd and October Sib Orthodox Jews I celebrate two days for PentetioBt and i eight days for each of the others 3 I f The synagogue Is the building or plado J > oc meeting for JewHi worship and re = ligious liiBtrufctlon The proHOuchc In n place of prayer distinct from synan gogue and temple and usually leafless and rural i |