Show HAPPENINGS IN THE PHILIPPINES A aplaln and thirty robMs armed with rules huvi surrcnderccl al Ciiyapo Philippine Philip-pine Inlands Nucxa Rclgn a uwlIl lo Caiilabn haw been burned and irmny poor limillles mire liomtlfcHs Gvn Vhcaton rpcommcnds Ouvcrniiiont succor The lire It is l supposed sup-posed WttH accidental Lieutfol RmiTMun If LIsoum of the Twoiityfourth Infiintry al Tarlai 1 lnnll l of Luxnn reports hat 1 the offorM of lho I lociil preulilnnt have rosullod In tho cap luro of Ihlrlyono out of thirtythree KragJorKiii rlllop In good coiulitlon stolen from tho regiment December t Jthi la l |