Show THE SAVING OF A GIRLS LIFE Many Messengers Sent Hurrying Through the City for Medical Aid I the Case Being Thought to be One of Poisoning I I William P OMeara la manager of his own I roominghouso on State tNt A I young woman In the employ of the CB tabllshmunl took suddenly and violent 1 ly I III Friday night and It was thought that she had been poisoned Mr OMeara rose to the occasion as usual He called out all the Incn in the house and told them to fly for a doctor After r one of his flying trips I through the house he fetched up In the room where the sick woman was and found a man sitting by her beside fanning her The man was Herbert Anderson of Idaho Falls who had left the KeoghjHosmer hospital the day before after having an operation performed and could barely walk Mr OMeara dashed upi up-i to him and shrieked Where in Hele na have you been Why arent you out hunting a doctor Get out of here and bounced him Ho also sent his clerk I Gregory out Gregory soon returned to the house The proprietor had by this time forgotten that he had sent Gregory out Where in Helena have you been Z demanded Mr OMeara ThlsIs a good way to run a house I wanted to send you for a doctor Go for a doctor and fired him f out again II S Barclay had been sent out and after midlng a doctor returned re-turned to the house and that was his mistake Youre a Helena of a man to send for a doctor declared Mr QMcara What have you been doing Trying to make one Claude Raybould had been deputized to get a medicine man and had sent u messenger for one Mr OMeara saw Claude still in the house and made him start out too Then Mr OMenra went out into the I street and stopped every man who was or looked like a roomer in the house and compelled him to turn and fly for a doctor Nobody knows how many men were sent for a doctor that night The messenger service finally boro fruit and doctors began to pour Into the house Dr Parmclee was the first to arrive anti was thrown upstairs by Mr OMearo who then stopped to mop 1 his brow It was found that the jm tlcnt was not poisoned Doctors kept I on arriving In ones twos threes fours and upward for a long time thereafter and the place soon took on all the outward I out-ward aspects of a medical convention I Nevertheless the woman Is recovering and will be all right again In a day or two |