Show j O o 0 I 0 r o O I 00 t i j m o 00 11 I t t jj 1 t M o 4 c rJa 1 fgt f V if fJj I I i J t at litSV 1Jlll e r fM J 7 1Ji ell j Y V iT A 1f > ttj > j p RiP i lZ l 0 t tlA r IIt J v I + j I So l n f A x f I t1 1 J CJ il i bV t I Is + A M t rf 0 L 1 tr it cJ I 4l j i Qj b d I t t e I t I J 1 Ii < f I t < 0 < 1fJ I < I fJ f c V j w o ri occ C I r1 17 0 ccoo Der I r t This week Salt lake Theater closed l Grand closed Salt Palace Campbell Brothers circus cir-cus Monday Tuesday and WednesdayS Wednesday-S e u The buildings and grounds at the Salt Palace have presented a scene of bustle bus-tle and activity for the past few days aiarc A Peters the director of the palace has had a score or more men ar work for two or three weeks past assisting as-sisting In putting things in shape for the opening which occurs tomorrow she main building1 has been retouched oIl the outside and the whole of the Interior In-terior has been painted and frescoed I Yesterday a shipment of silk flags of all nations was received These flags will bc placed In the main building with the contsofarms of the nations they represent repre-sent The grounds on the outside have been improved by walks and lawns and a small pond has been located to the northeast of the palace The building to the south of the Salt Palace which was used last year for the Streets of Cairo husbeen converted into the hall of amusement where continuous van devllle performances will be given during dur-ing the season James S Anderson the sccnlo artist has done all the painting for the interior of the hall His curtain cur-tain for the front of the stage representing repre-senting The Ferry Is tL most attractive attrac-tive piece of work and all of his drop scenes are excellent particularly the Garden Scene The Vaudeville theater will open tomorrow to-morrow afternoon with Risings comedy come-dy and vaudc llle company In three sketches by Burr McIntosh Why The Darktown Swells and UA Trip to Chinatown n u ft In last weeks issue of the San Francisco Fran-cisco Dramatic Heview the following note appears There Is a Humor current cur-rent that the Tlvoli Opera company that is the comicopera section will play in Denver during the summer grandopera season The tour will Include In-clude a live weeks season In Denver and three weeks In Salt Lake City This Is the first news the public has received that Salt Luke might enjoy an opera season during the summer months and It roes without saying that the announcement will prove a pleasing one to r > II plygocrs and esprrv daily to lovers of opera The Thou Opera company generally known as the Tivoll stock which by l he way is the first stock opera company known In this country during its existence In San Francisco has gained a wide reputation repu-tation for the high standard of its v work and has as Impe t clientele as any amusement organization on the Pacific coast During the past season many of the old successful operas and = = = most ofthe new ones havebeen presented pre-sented by the company with elaborate mountings and costumes so that If Ito It-o s make a visit to this city It will beat be-at no loss to furnish a varli gat l lino of uueras The Tivoll I company has Just completed a long run of The Wizard I of the Nile and Is now giving an elaborate elab-orate presentation of The Throe I Guardsmen If any form of amusement I amuse-ment will take in Suit Lake during the summer months it Is J certainly amusement I amuse-ment of the lighter grade nnd a comic opera engagement would Jill the bill splendidly A 0 A novel way of presenting a circus will be inaugurated at the Salt Palace grounds the coming weak when Campbell Camp-bell Brothers shnVv will he seen The circus will be held in what the management I manage-ment terms the arena that Is the famous bicycle track Canvas will be I stretched over the seats during the afternoons af-ternoons but the evening performance I will he given by electric light with no covering The seats around the ryelc track will certainly he a comfort which I circusgoers very seldom enjoy and with the performance given In open air I the stifling heat of the circus tent will be lacking Campbell Brothers appear the first three nights of the week Admission Ad-mission to the circus will be as follows Ten cents for entrance to the palace grounds 25 i cents to gain admittance to the circus and 15 cents for reserved seals I |