Show PEOPLES CONGRESS CONVENES Delegation Appointed to Visit Great Britain and Canada Graadrclnet Cape Colony Thursday May Uhe Peoples congress opened hero today Of those present many vvcro Dutch clergymen commoners and bondlteu Mr df Vlllery brother of Chief Justice do Vlllois presided Mr Pretorlus n member of the Legislative Legis-lative xVbsembly offered a resolution declaring that In the opinion of u majority ma-jority of Cape Colonists the chief Immediate Imme-diate cause of the war was the unwarranted unwar-ranted Intolerable Interference of the Ministry In London in the Internal affairs af-fairs of the South African republics A member speaking In support of the resolution said it would bu Impossible to hold out tho hand of friendship after the war and uakcd Cnn we take the English hand that perhaps Is stained with the blood of my brother The chairman advised moderation In I all tho speeches Tho resolution was adopted 1 unanimously Other resolutions presented nfllrmod that If the republics were annexed tho pence and prosperity of the country would hI Irretrievably wrockyd and that In order to Insure lasting friendship friend-ship and prosperity the settlement must include the ruxtoratlon of unqualified I freedom nnd Independence to the republic re-public and the Colonists be allowed l voice In tho appointment of the Coy I einor of cup folonythu obviating the necowlty for keeping JL standing army na tho republican would i be prenared to r < pl t any foreign Inroads in South Africa unity would be insured and loyalty loy-alty to Great Britain cemented A delegation wat appointed to visit Great Britain Canada and Australasia to explain the views of thot e repent repe-nt d at thr congress Bforo the close of the peoples con grcw Olive Schrlcnr Or Conwright I made un Impassioned speech In which I she predicted that the South African I republics once would regain their lndp nd I |