Show PORTO RICO AND CUBA I Own Wood firmly bllrw that tht lr regularities In the Cuban Poatal HI vice which amount to plain theft only are all that will Jxt dl cov ra < lOut l-Out of sixty thouwind iIOldlers s nt to the Islam but one mn has been dlrpotly clia ic < l with cmbexxleinent He was a 0111D UN p oIHcer and the Amount of his itcefdlnlJl was J1SO He ww tried found guilty and aentenc I to thrrt year T1 r tpfin voter In Cuba I f oil 1 M n > of the votIng iirinlh id i0h t f < iTve th be tUna f t-Una H < n VIMM ttcIqi4 l l 10 jrtv lti I nurl i iii > riTwntjiit be lOt f t Tt H I f aid I fl > t > Tf fll I I 1 1 J 1 tt t J a J |