Show I GIRLS IN DRUG STORES I Wo have them at our tore but not In i our employ nor are Uiey Infatuated with I lhe proprietor of our eltrb That not 1 the reason 1ft baYs girls In our dray tor but 1CaI1 we 1IftY 00 soda wait s o cool and refrrf blne they lovu lu llnirer and lavtub their wmtle and dIm I upon ua Cant ou do lkjvrl and pe bow happy you wlU fel 1 after partcw i of on or our dHc oai Ice Crc m Soda Connors Drul Sore 1 East aide of iTnin Street dow the Een7on I 0 1 I > GARDNER DAILY STORE NEWS < > = = 1 TODAY Clothes for Young Men i L l and Summer Clothes for Nlen i < When a boy gets to be 15 years of age he enters mans realm here < I He gets the same treatment clothes are made of same fabrics and < t tailoring is of that high class that goes into Gardner clothing Probably the patterns arc a little more striking thats the only difference 9 I r differ-ence G 11 J With bigger stocks and more varieties doesnt it stand to reason that 9 v r f we can give you bqttersatisfaction < 0 Money back if we dont 4 I < > r Many of the suits come in the doublebr asted vest style of iQ One of these is fancy striped Cassimcrej z round cuti style of coat < I lxi splendid lining and tailoring Just such a suit as our tulor would < i W t I ii ask you 2000 to 2oo for 1 j I Other suits 500 to 1506 some of the cheapest ones for boys as I I small as 12 CRASH SUITS v SUMMER COATS AND VESTS THE NEW SUMMER CLOTHES < > 1 Will be just ns popular as ever Some splendid things to s10wThe swellest things this year this season ard weve gathered you in the skeleton Coats with for summer wear arc thp e French j 4 more and better for you Vests of blue Serge These are flannel Coats and Trousersjust A x From 300 to C 750 a hint of them < pAt very dressy ccol and comfortable W And one at 5UO ot special value 7 At 750 Light and dark gray < w 4 fancy check and strips crash prices S500 and 750 Then with a fine black stripe round cut vK 1f kind of silky finish well made 7 we have a blue serge Skeleton style of coat Jj f and thoroughly shrunken I coat douolcbrenstecl very stylish At 1000An olive groan with v Then wave tho wool crash styl-ish price 500 a fine white stripe doublebreast > Suits at S750 nnd 1000 they j And a fine blue serge Coat Skeleton edA style of coat xv look just like a wool suit but arc Skel-eton doubleljreastcd style with At 51000 A light gray mix t as cool and comfortable ns the full French facing of satin Very ture 37ith round cut stylo of coat 1r 4 other crash swell price S600 At 51200 A handsome dark I blue with fine white stripe dou Crash Pants from 100 up nice Black Alpaca Coats 100 to blebreasted style of coat W A to wear with a skeleton coat 300 Just Coat and Trousers if you x White Duck Pants 100 150 Gray sorge Coats and Vests at want to wear a vest theiipropcr I W 8200 I 500 000 750 thing is a fancy one i All the other Summer needs Blts tht biggest weve ever had 25c to 200 < 1 I v OOONE IIReECO 4 I J0 p U hRENR9 I 1 f Main 136133 Street I o I CLEANLINESS IS NAE PRIDE DIRTS NAE HON r A S WATSON XSTY11 COMMON SENSE DICTATES THE USE OF 1flf oo Funeral S A I Mortician I Licensed Director and I f P 0 l 1 0 Tel 445 Parlors opp Embalmer Postofflce W eG I 6TH EDITION SINCE APRIL 17TH i w 67i1 I TI1R1E CONSPIRATORS I BY ROBERT CHAMBERS 3 Author of The King in Yellow Etc Illustrated by DcrThulstrup f r POST 8VO CLOTH 150 I I J 6 I 1 6111 C 1 s 4Ju A delightfully entert ining romantic story tIe scene of 1 i which is laid in the little Duchy of Luxembourg I Mr Chambers Cham-bers introduces Queen WilheJmina Holland among his 11 I characters and amuses hiniself l by satirizing the government I OIl German principalities 1 I If I I 4 yk l G I u Among 1oremost INovels I or The Ye r m 1 I Jt l 1 0 t f J OiVcidii I N Y Disp itch The sloiy of The ConspiratorsnbyRolTcrl W Chambers recently recent-ly concluded in Harpers rcckly easily u ranks among1 the foremost novels of the ycar If indeed it slot s-lot tlic ocr best The Conspirators is an uptodate talc and is calculated to make the patriotic 1 American more than ever glad that le is an Amdrican The plot is extremely ingenious and events movd rapidly making itu story of intense interest It is perfectly certain that Mr Chambers has no intention of visiting the German Empire in the near future for there is enough of lese majcstc in bib allusions to his Gcjaium majesty whom he dubs William the Sudden to insure his incarceration i tJi in a dungeon for a til east a cetitiirv1 5 I J ° L 4 3 < JAN gi f 1 I INTERNATiONAL SUCCESS I RED POTT AGE9i I BY CHOLMONDELEY Post 3vo Cloth 150 fj EIi l i j1 z k I X V vcniii to The < novel of the moment selling at thc ratc of looo A adny at London IS Mary Cholmoltdc1cY6 Reel Pdllagc f r > f V The Spectator Brilliant i nil d exhilarating I j1 I BOOKS lEAHED POSTPAID UPON RECEIPT OF PRICE I L F HWA M M EL II BOOKSELLER and STATIONER i L 119 W Second South Street i J REGENT SUeSESSFUL FieTN Published at 150 i Volume Sold now at 750 Each I Th IT nor b P tr Sterling Ford r bro Anthony Hope Sorrow of Satan Marie Cortlll Tb CMrbriy Cburchlll Thi ITid otpt Kdgerton and GlorU Mundl Harold Frd rlc i The Choir InvfcfW Alton AnoN Th Manxman Hall Calr Tbr DBOiwuion of Thwron Ware Sold Ctlv vt ona Richard Hard Under tiMo Red Robe Stanley Wey 1i i rMfrlco m Day maIL vrizit LJ Marl CorIlt DayFra n cot S W4lr Port Tor Maurfc H4wIlH II ho Ih So ri Urnrj s t1n orr1mIlIL Mltch I Srb t j UpJdn mUh J r llnr K or Mrrrlman I Th lrionfof of Hernia Anthony A Ladv or Qultfy Y lIodl i nur t9 1 MHIo wm Ht nIt t f n-It rr Thron A V Mh Th rL J hr faih t Frank T j m fDi Hllt m I G88a e I Tlrno ffiLI Table Ii In effect May 13 1 I s J l LEAYE SAIT LAKE I For Ogden Cache Volley Oma ha Chicago Denver Kansas nty si Louis and Intermediate Intermedi-ate points 7M am Por Garfield Beach Tooelo and Terminus 7 MS am For Tlntle Mercjr nnd Intermediate Inter-mediate point 753 n ra i For Ogden Butte Portland San 0 j Francisco and Intermcdlato 1 points 9i3 0 m For Og Ion Omaha Chicago Denver Kansas City St Louis and San Francisco 1230 p m < A For Ogdcn Denver Kansas City Omaha St Louis and Chfcapo 6Wpm For Provo Sanpetc illlford < Awl Intermediate points 7Wp m For Ogden Butte Helena Portland San Francisco and J Intermcdlato points 1050 p ra ARRIVE SALT LAKE < From Ogden Chicago Omaha I St Louis KHIWIB City and Denver 350 a nu From Ogden Portland Spo 1 kane Butte Helena and Sap < Francisco cOa m From Milford Sanpotc Provo and Intermediate points 035 a m From Ogden Chicago St Louis Kansas City Omaha Denver and San Francisco 300p m j From Garllald Beach Tooele I I and Terminus 400 p m From Ogden Butt Portland and Intermediate points Glo p m From Tin tic Mercur aria Intermediate Inter-mediate points 630 pm J From Preaton Logan Brigham San Francisco Ogden and In I termcdlalo points 7CO p m 7 Trains south oC Juab do not run Sundays Sun-days Dally except Sundnv City ticket Office 201 South ilaini t S W ECCLES D E BURLEY Gen Traffic Manipcr Gen P and T A w H BANCROFT J > Vlc Prejldent and Gcnl IMnnngcr t CURRENT TIMETABLE t TIME-TABLE 1 LEAVES SALT IwUCE CITE No C For Grand Junction Dcn vcr nnd points cast 330 turn No 2For Provo Grand June Uon and all points east 313 pm No tbbr Provo Grand Juno I tlon and all points east 305 p D1I No loIor Blnchun Lohl Provo Habor ManU Belknap und Intermediate points 750 a m j No 8For Eureka Payson Hcbcr Provo and Intermediates points 610 p ra Xo 3For Ogden and tim West1100 p m I No IFor Ogden and tho west1200 noon No S For OJ tIn nnd the west 945 n m No c2Foir Park City S 20 IL nu I ARRIVES AT SALT LAKE CITY No 6 From Provo Grand Junction Junc-tion and the cast 930 n mOt < m-Ot 1 From Provo Grand June lion nnd the cnIll1i5 k m < Ns 3From Provo Grand i Junction nnd the I11tJO5O pm I No ilFrom Provo Hebrr Hlnghom Eureka Bclknup t MantJ nnd Intormodlnt points CM Pm 1 i I No 6 From Ogden and the west 820 n m No 2 From Ogdon and the Wet lftj p m No 4 From Ogden and the west 735 p m No 7 From Eureka Pays on Hohor Provo and Intermediate points 1000 n m No fl From Park City SMS p m PERFECT DINING CAR SERVICE Jl Ticket Office 103 West Second South St t 0 Postofflce Corner l The Peoples L Favorite 1 3 r PICTO f Three i Fast Through Trains DAILY I MORNING NOON AND NIGHT to all Eastern points Unequaled excel hence of equipment DininG BUFFER SMOKING AND LIBRARY care Many houro qulckcot time f Ticket office 201 Main ot Tel Ki > H K CL AT General Agont THE NW LINE iItP OMAHA to CHICAGO Oniaiia to SI Paul and Minneapolis t DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE Strictly llrstdass trains conalatliiR tot t-ot Buffet Smoking anal l Lllutiry Cars1 Sleeping Cais Dining Cars Free HU h f ellnlngchalr < arj Now throughout Ask ticket agents for tickets via ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD For Information and dcacrlptlvo pamphlets apply DONALD ROSE Commercial AI ont 7A AVgt Second Foulh nfroer Salt Lalo > City EMPIRE I Transportation Co Empire Line to Alaska Steamship Ohio SSOo tons mtllM from Scuttle Juno 30th July 30th August thor 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