Show The United States Supreme court I his decided that the fleet of Monti jo was Inferior to that of Admiral Deweys Heel and that has reduced y he prize l ron < W of 100000 onehalf The fact that the shore batteries had to be silenced and hat tel risk f torpedoes had J to be taken count t for nothing in the plain letter of the law I simply estimates the contest of ships and still it Is all wong because had the thing been reversed had Admiral Deweyg phlpg been manned by Spaniards and hail Montljos fleet been manned by Americana and had the shore batteries been manned by Americans the ships on the bay would have been sunk or eaptured Among the guns of the shore batteries there were three Krupps and they handled by American Ameri-can gunners would have made very lively times for the Incoming fleet The decision does not reduce in the least the glory of the victorious tle oS fleet because it was not only for what they did but for whpt they dared that the work stopped and hdcVlts breath when the account waH given I was thought that that harbor was mined with torpedoes tor-pedoes it wag known those terrible guns were on sli ire and still the shIps nailed on and on and never ceased their operations until every foe waM silenced and the harbor was under the full control of tho American fleets |