Show I1Ri lINE WON AGAIN f Defeated Rio Grande Western West-ern by a Score of 9 to 7 I IDDERS GREAT PITCHING Ho Did Not Allow a Single Hit for Five Innings Short Line Did Terrific Ter-rific Hitting Only One Man Failing I Fail-ing to Get a Safe OneCain th2 New Infielder Played a Fast Game Rio Grande LineUp Considerably Consider-ably Changed with One New Man in Score and Standing of Clubs t S STANDING OF THE CLUBS I P W PC OtMen S C t 7GO Rio Gruiulo Western Ill 7 f S3 Pocatollo H fi t CIS Short Line 11 2 152 The Short Lines by 1 terrific hitting sharp fielding and the superb pitching I of Ed Kidder threw down the Rio Grumlos by Il score of 0 to 7 at Walkers Walk-ers yesterday thus winning their second i sec-ond gaim of the season After the fourth inning the game became a very I fast one and delighted the fans The Short Lines made the best showing they havu this year and If they keep up the pace they cut out yesterday are to be reckoned with In the race for The Tribune pennant Their hit ling was something awful Pendergraft being found safely no less than seen teen times during the game onedou ble and one triple both by Margetln and a double by 1 Waller being sand wkhcd in Pendtrgrafl although nol quite in his usual form had fair control con-trol and speed all through Un game sending but oiu man to first free It was simply < i case of a learn gelling on Us balling clothes und hammering j the ball all over the lot I KIDDERS FINE WORK The Short Lines began their hitting in the first inning lo singles and I Wailers double assisted by one bad throw nutting two runs The Short Lines showed at tholr weakest in the second 1 when Search double throe singles sin-gles I Kldtlers forcing a man honu on balls and four fielding errors let In six runs This was the first lime Kld del was found safely Two more hits with no runs weu made I off him In i tlu third and three singles In the fourth brought In the only additional i runs the Rio Jrandes got Afirr the fourth not a single hit was made olf Kld cleis pitching lie had the right kind oT support I ftoi r the tam l lioke up Fred fain the new mflclder made to phenomenal oinhiiulid slops on third The last and best one was the last ball hit during tIme game and put a fitting finish on his good work I throughout lie did not show up well with the slick being the only man on the team who did not get a hit but I promises to do heller Berkeley Joined the ranks of the sluggers slug-gers yesterday with three singles to I his credIt and HJ X Asbury had as I many Waller got Uiree one a double I j I but his tickling was not up to his i standard RIO GRANDE CHANGE Jimmy Bo lan appeared at snort for I the Rio Grande full of business ait usual lie played a good game considering con-sidering the fart t that ho hud just arrived ar-rived and has not been In praetire this year It Is needless to tell those who saw Jimmy work here last year that he will show up all right There was quite a change in the Rio Grande lineup line-up Bill Martin who has been somewhat some-what III lately was not In the game Shannon and Seare changed places and each got an error although they both did creditable work when it is remembcied that both are still slightly crippled from their Pocalello trip Mickey 1 Donovan got an error in left but It was a mighty hard chance and Mickey Is entitled to much credit forgoing for-going after it at all lit had one assist as-sist when Berkeley tried lo stretch one of his singles to a double It is such a regular thing for Hopkins to eat up everything that comes within a township of him thai it is scarcely necessary to mention his four catches although two of them were almost Inside In-side the diamond Danny Taylor who Is now captain of the Short Lines played a fine game in right one of his running catches being mighty neat neatRAND CAN ALSO UMPLRE I Henry Rand of the Pocar lo team umpired the game and it could not have been done boiler His decisions came like a Hash he has a good voice and eye and gave the best of satisfaction satis-faction It Is probable that George Mathews who umpired some games last year will be In here today as Charley Grlllln feels that his term of service for a time at least terminated I with the Decoration day games The Short Lines and Pocalello will play here today while the two leading teams will clash at Ogden i Following Is the detailed score of yesterdays game SIIOHT JINE SIIOHTAB AB R IB PO A E Ash ury c C jj i 1 3 0 0 0 AValler a s 5 1 a J 1 3 I taylor T I t 1 1 1 1 j i 0 0 Mar etts 1st b 5 2 li 7 J 0 Tiirnes 1 f 5 2 2 1 0 1 Culn 3rd bt < 4 0 0 1 0 Kliiiinuror 2nd b 4 1 I 1 U I 1 Berkeley c G 1 3 8 0 0 Kldder i > 3 0 2 2 3 1 Totals 10 1 7 27 0 G RIO GRANDE WESTERN AB ft 10 PO AB Hopkins c c 5 I 1 1 U 0 Bolan s s i 0 0 0 r i Shannon c o 1 1 fi 0 1 Illsley 3rd b 5 1 l 3 1 1 2 SCare 1st b 4 0 2 D U 1 JJunovan I f 4 1 1 0 1 1 Mel arland 2nd b 4 1 0 I S I 0 JJushoy r t 5 1 2 0 I 0 Pciidjrfjnift D 4 I 1 I 0 J 0 Total 10 7 0 i M 13 6 I Score by Innings 1 S 3 f S i C 7 S 0 Short Lino 2 0 0 0 4 I 0 0 3 ft iiits 3 o s 3 r j i 2 i n KTV v 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 IJIta n i 2 s ft 11 II n rt tolem bases Risley Seae Donovan tiler Barnes Kidder secri1hcc hil f111 Kimimmerer lidder base on bnlls S Q r o Peimdergmft 1 twobio ill Scare r lartctt5 Wailer miccuiij e hit Margetls utruck out by Kidder Rlsley Boylan an Donovan McFarland Hnghcy Pondercraft Cain 3 Margett Berke ley passed l balls Shannon 2 first on er rors Short Line 3 Rio Grande Western 4 600 Umpire Rand Time 152 Attendance |