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Show GENERAL. Telegraphic Money Transfer. Washington, 5. Tho U. S. Treasurer Trea-surer to-day made a telcgrapluc transfer trans-fer of $2i (0,000, coin, from San Fran-ci?oo Fran-ci?oo to New York, through the Bank of California. Strong Wind Storm. St. Paul, Minn., 5. A winl storm this evening swept this town, the wind raising a number of buildings from the ground. Phillip Jacobs was blown from a train and received fatal injuries. Tammany Confident. New York, 15. Some Tammany leaders are to-day boldly maintaining that the meeting last night will result ir nothing, and tho powers of Tammuuj will be in nowise shaken by its action. Hall has all along asserted thai tho naino of August Belmont, which header! the cal for the mectinc, was a lurgery, and tbat the principal movers of tho affair were sore-headed place hunters. They claim, also, thiit the absence of men who are well known in business and in politics is a sign of the weakness of the demonstration. There is little doubt, however, that the meeting has laid tho foundation of a public sentiment which will secure, soouer or later, reforms re-forms which are so much needed. Ooe of the chief demands is for the repeal of tho present eity charter, which , placed the appointment of important : city officers in the hands of the mayor, and otherwise diverts from the people the powers before exercised by them. The Sntro Tunnel Commission. The commission appointed, under act of Congress, to examine the Sutro tunnel have arrived hero and are now engaged in making up their report. They are favorably impressed with the project, and will make some recommendations recom-mendations to Congress in its favor, though in what shape has not as yet been decided opon, Q.ulck Traveling. ! New York, 5. In the Liverpool Post of August 2-tth, a remarkable and probably an unprecedented instance of rapid traveling, between San Francisco Fran-cisco and Liverpool, is reported. On the afternoon of the 2ud of August a ecntleman Ictl the first named place by the Pacific R. 11.. and arri. 1 in New York on the Uth, just in time to go on ! board the steamer Wisconsin, and made the passage in her to Liverpool, which port was safely reached on Saturday evening. The entire journey by rail and water occupied only seventeen seven-teen dayi. The New Orleans Republican I Squabble. j Long Branch, 5. A committee of twenty Warmouth Louisiana delegates : had an interview with the President to-day, and laid before him their grievances. griev-ances. After considerable conversation conversa-tion in relation to the facts contained j in tha address read, the President rc-. rc-. quested a copy which was civen him. j He then iia he would send it to the otheers complained of, and have their (statement before taking any action in ! ithe matter. He added that the ad-i ad-i dress presented a formidable array of, I charges against the federal officers I named therein. He said he had not authorized the use of troops, and thai General Reynold-;, when he fLied the ! requisition of Marshal Packard, did not know that tl:-y we o :o be used at a political envvn Yellow toci. ' Charleston. 5. The board of health ! reports co deaths from yellow lover i w.thin the oat twenty-four hours. ( i American Fomological Soclcij-. Richmond. Va., 5. Tho twonry-, twonry-, third anniversary of the American Pomoiogicai Society. which will be held here to-morrow, promises to be the largest gathering of fruit grower; ever i assembled in theFnitrd States. Over -'j0 exhibitor? and persons interested ' in fruit growing, rep resecting nearly j every State in the Union, have already arrived. j Gnbematorl&l Inauguration. f ! Louisville, 5. The Hon. P. H. L:s-' He was to-day inaugurated Governor : oflKentuckv. The venerable Judge! Robinson, Chief Justice of the State, j over bO years of age, so weak and ' helpless that he had to be carried to j the stand to administer the oath of ofucc; and after declaring G'tv. Leslie duly installed governor of Kentucky, announced his own resignation of the otSee he had so long held. This unexpected un-expected announcement caused considerable con-siderable sensation. Fires. Cincinnati, 5. MacNeale Urban's Safe and Lock manufactory was damaged dam-aged by fire to-night about $5O,0UO. Springfield, Mass., 5. The church; orcan factory of Steer & Turner, at estfield, was burned this morning with the contents; loss $30,UO0, half insured. Pierce Storm In Nebraska. Omaha, 5. A terrible storm passed over Fremont, Neb., to-day at 4 p.m., dost roy ing the engine house on the Sioux City Pacific R. R., carrying part of the roof over twenty rods. It destroyed des-troyed a windmill, tore the telegraph wire and poles down for half a mile, and blew a car from a side track. The hail was severe. Fraudulent Democratic Pamphlet, The National Dtmocractic resident Executive Committee held a meeting to-day, and adopted resolutions de- : nouncing the anonymous pamphlet, i eotitled, "Concession, or how the lost : cause may be restored and the indepen- j dence of the South secured," nowi being circulated as though from a 1 Democratic eource, as a fraud; that antagonistic to the principles and purposes pur-poses of the Democratic party; and declare their unanimous belief that the same originated with a radical source, with the intention to deceive the public pub-lic and prejudice them against the Democratic party. The Wyoming KKcIlou. Cheyenne, 5. The result of the election cannot be definitely ascertained to-night. The Republican members of the legislature arc elected in Albany county ; in Carbon and in Uintah counties it is thought the fusion candidates candi-dates aro elected over tho regular Democratic ticket. Laramie and Sweetwater counties aro doubtful. The Republicans are oonfident there will be a majority of the friends of the I Siatc and Territorial administrators in the legislature. " New York, 6. Gold strong, 1 3 Q . |