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Show By W. U. Telegraph. J It K PoHTK D INTERNATIONAL ASSASSINATION f KOUKAMMK. Ni-w York. 0. A Madrid j . i j. : r i n I contain.-a .-lulrmem, ih.n : u,i ul til.' .' ml i-mi mi 1 1.-.- .it' 1 nn-i i::;;:un als, held iu Loudon, it was resolved to shrink before no ob-tacics in ord-.-r to ; carry to -ucce.-s the principles of the Internationale. In consideration that the gmucst obstacles are M. Thiers, and the Kings of Belgium, Udy, Spain aud Portugal, it was resolved that they I; assassinated: it wis also 1 re sol veil to set lire to ail workshops. , factories and establishments, to coin pel hungry, unemployed workmen to take I part in a social war. Felix, Pyatt, Bergct, and other refugee members oi (the Commune, took part iu the discussion. |