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Show I By W. f. ItUima. KICHTI.G IN Dt'HLT.V, j Dublin, o. There was fierce fighting ; all night and the police were driven to i their barracks, where they received re-! re-! inibrcemeHts and charged the crowd desperately. They were driven into the barracks again however. 'The saLy v.is repeated several times, but with the jvime result. A bar of iron, thrown from a public hourf at the poiiee, ltd to tiie stuffing- uf the house and eap:uriug the iunu. An auuuipi was made to rescue them by, the mob, aud iu die battle which fol-i lowed the Louoc wis completely wreck-1 d by the mob in its fiaatic rage. Hali' of the policemen eD-ag-:d in the: aiirays wore injured. I lie prisoners j sang national songs ail nizht. There is great excitement and it is increasing. |