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Show IMPOKTAST TO MINK Its. U. S. Paltun to Mittet-nl I.antl.-Provltlou I.antl.-Provltlou of Hit Li-.r In rrlillou lierctu. .(-:esly that Mint own-ihould own-ihould wnicli all ai.plicutlnu tor Patent. Salt Lake I'm-, S--pt. 11. Edlh.rs i l-.eald: In view of the tact that pnrlimiNaiy proceedings have biien commeneud in a grunt many instances, to secure lT. S. patents lo mining claims iu this Territory, Terri-tory, part ici applying fur patent can Dil be too particular in complying technically wiih the requirements of the law authorizing the sale of mineral land-; and claimants of mineral proper-tics proper-tics MtuateJ within the limit. of a plat of mining ground the patent to which has been applied for by individuals or an incorporation, iould be careful to watch the proceedings taken in such application for a patent, and promptly avail themselves of the provisions oi the law to protect their rights. The law under which an application for a patent is made, provides: that the sum of!,"Oii must have been ex-pend-d upon the properly, before filing Willi llie re'i-ter of llm land office of the tli-iiK-L within which the mine is located a notice of application: that the application mut be accompanied accom-panied with a uifi'iiam of tho claim, and a notice selling forth the intention oi the claimant to apply lor a patent, and that there is no opposim; claimant, which di:u;ium and notice mut be pO'ted on the claim and a copy filed with the roL'i-tcr of the land olti"ce:and that llie rMer shall pot .-aid notice and duiL'ram in lii office lor ninety days, and .-.hall puhlMi the same in a newspaper nearer the locution of the claim, for thermic length of time. The object of the posting and publication publi-cation lor the puri'id of ninety days, of ine nonce oi application ana diagram of the ground claimed, is to give ad-j ad-j verse claimants an opportunity to con- tet the application, j hi Little Cottonwood especially, and I probably in other districts, applications ! tor patents have been filed with the l register which cover other claims than those belougiug to the applicants: and tho owners of thco other claims, to protect their rights, must, within the ninety days of notice prescribed by law, appear before the register and contest tho right to a patent, of the parlies applying therefor. There! is danger that patents to mineral lands may be procured here, as they ! 1 have been elsewhere, in favor ofpar-j tics not entitled thereto, and against the rights of lawi'ul owners, through J the ignorance, iiiiulvertan.ee or default! of tho latter. Miners should, then, j watch well these applications for! patents, and if they find that their' property is included in tho diagram of ground claimed under suoh npplica-! tiou, they should make immediate and lawful opposition to tho issue of a: patent; for when once issued, patents arc irrevocable despite the violation of any incidental provision in the law authorizing ihcir issue. Yours, JjOOkeii On. |