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Show Discovery near Devil's Gate. On the road to Austin, via the hay ranch, and about ten mi lea from Eureka, Eu-reka, there is a piace which has been known for year as the Devil's Gate. ;'-- me y.-ars ago forjre- qaar.titiea of "float" wore discovered there, and much prospecting has been done at : dirTerent times, but until a few days since nothing like a ledge could be j discovered. Some days since two j Mexicans concluded that they would try to rind a ledge, and they were successful. suc-cessful. They have brought in some fine specimens, and describe the ledge as very large and very clearly denned for a long distance. This is a still further outpost for Eureka district, and we hope it may be all that the discoverers discov-erers imagine it is. Eureka StniineL |