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Show ?r TTT 6?t rm A TH5 lira Ti TT c ii JXL liU- lid- J. V Jil ii AT TIIK MAMMOTH SHOE AND MT STORE A Large sjloeSt of Wilder In Every Style ! And at Every Price ! ! CHEAP ! CHEAP ! CHEAP Now is your time ! Come on and get yourself a nice warm CAP ! Don't stand Freezing, but come on! They are on Sale at THE BEST PAPER, AND THE BEST INDUCEMENTS!! hin Quartor's 13 Number Seiit FREE J to aii subscribing, b -f ore Dec- 2o, lsT-i. fur next year's ni o T-i vi 7 is RURAL f!EW-Yf'SP, Ti.E I.KLAI ILIA'-iTIiATE H Rural and Family Weekly. This i? not only tho Largest, Best nrtrt Cheapest, but by fur the iiHi-gebl-Cir-eiilnting Jouviial of Its Clans I sa-tioDnl sa-tioDnl in Character, Ably iMited, Superbly Illustrated and Printed, it U the BEST AMERICAN WEEKLY It 13 the Standard Authority on all br inches of AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, HORTICUL-TURE, Ac. As a Literary and Family Paper it is a favorite from Canida to California. Cali-fornia. Indeed, MOORE'S RURAL hns no Rival in it? Sphere, and is the Largest Illustrated Il-lustrated Journal on the Continent e:i'"h number containinsr Sixteen Five-Column Five-Column Pages, (aouble the size of most papers of its class.) A NEW FEATURE. Among recent accessions to the RITUAL'S unequaled Editorial Stall" is that of Hon. X. Hart Hyatt, of Cala., as editor of the Pacific Coast Department a new and valuable tca-lur- By prompt mailing and rapid railroad transit, the RURAL now r aches the Pacific Slope about the time of its date. TERMS, INDUCEMENTS, ETC. TERMS S3 a yearof 52 Numbers, anu oub S'3-50 in cluK- of Ten. This Quarter's 13 Numbers sent FREE, as offered above. Our Oub Inducements for 1-S71 -ire unprecedented. unprece-dented. Specimons. Premium Lists, ic, sent free to all forming clubs and we want a live Club Agent in every Town. Address O. D. T. MOORE, 11 Park Row, New York. SANDWICH ISLAND SU2AR. Just received, direct from the Laie Plantation, Planta-tion, a supply ot Raw Sugar, Put up in Double Sacks, which is now selling cheaper than sugar was ever sold in this market, at the 19th Ward CO-OPER&TIVE STORE. A Fresh Supply Received Every Mouth. GEO. AJiJJEKEK. of the celebrated HTUDEBAKESi WAGONS ARRIVED. Embracing heavy aiid liUt FARM AKD KASYDH WA6QN3 The favorite 3D X .A. 2bT O N D and o'.lier LIGHT SPRING WAGONS. Very desirable for Fa&illy use. Th fjtU'JfWker tVajjnna are niatiufactnr.'l cut 'il lith very b;t material- by thy IiioH conjJ"t' lit luljaRic'a in the country, au'l aro WAKRA.MED FIKSTCLASS. tOE dAI.K AT CHEAP KATUj. JOHN T. C'AINK, Agent, Suit Lake Herald Office. H-DIKYOODEY, FURNITURE DEALER And All kinds of lalPORTFO FURNITURE Constantly on hand at the Salesroom, EAST TEMPLE ' ST. JI very description of HOME-MADE FURNITURE At the Factory and Salesroom, i 1st South Street, Salt Iaho City : .COFFINS, PLAIN and OK.VAMEXTAL Always in Stock. SUSTAIN HOVIE MANUFACTURE ! Tlie Beat and tlie Cheapest ! Have You Tried Them! vrs ti-dys i?:!? r ; c, OE COMPOUND B3NE3ET Pill . Home-made and purely vegetable. Twenty-five cents per bos Twenty-five Pills. Warranted to give satisfaction. They relieve Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Indiges-tion. Liver Complaint, Headache. Loss of Appetite and Foul iStomah, will breakup Colds, Fevers, Coughs, and Purify the Dlood. Toey will Cleanse the Stomach, Kenovate the System, and dispel Disease- Are good in all csso? where Physic is needed. Try a box. You wiM like them, and never want any other sort. They are Tonic, Cathartic and Expectorant. Expec-torant. OPTHALMIC BALSAM, Or Eye Balm. . Valuable in most Disenses of the Eves. Removes Re-moves Inflammation, Strengthens the ftighr, and Weak ur Drooping Li s, and is srencrally healing and strensihening to the s!ght, but causes no pain. It is als good for Tetter, Ringworm and badSre?. Only Twenty-five Cents per Box. CONKLIN SALYJC. A valuable remedy for Cuts. Bruises, Wounds, Sores, Burns, Scalds, and for Weak or Lame Back bide or Breast, and for many other usee. These and other home-mado family medicines medi-cines are prepared by J. E. JOHXSOX, St. George, Utah, And sold at Zion's Co-operative Stores and by other agents throughout the Territory. Also sold at wholesale or furnished on commission com-mission to responsible apents. If these medicines med-icines are not kept at your Etores, ask your merchant to order them at once. OQ 7 wiLUSTorrs COMBED SEA ISLAND SIX COltl) SPOOL COTTON. To Arrive. Will be sold wholesale and retail, ;it Z. C. M. I. TV0 SPOOLS GIVEN AWAY For every odo not entirely en tin factory BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MAX (.'FACTI 'KEIIS AND WHOLESALE JiKALKIi.S JX Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO Acs. i:M sijmI HIV, UltXM) STIC BUTT, iioV-k;',!.t'''.f'lr..1,.iv.B.v, i NhV YORK. XOISILESS FAMILY SEWING MACHINE LS THE Standard Machine of the World ! The Special Committee appointed to examine ami report on Sew ing Machines at tlie AortH Carolina Stale Pair, lie Id at KaletgU last M Ctk, awarded a Gold iUeriul to t' c Florence Sewing Muchlne for tlie ea&e and quiet iiessi of Ha movement s, pe rOc lion and large variet of work., and lis valuable new features, making ma-king It 1 lie most, valuable Sewing Machine for family use. y Parties contemplating the purchase pur-chase of Sewing Machines are requested re-quested to read the following from the New York. "Tribune" of Oct. 19th, 1870: SEWING MACHINES. We have recently had occasion to mako som inquiries into the proeress of improvement improve-ment in the meoh mism of sewing machines, and. were not a little surprised to learn that the central idea in the first iiivemion the shuttle still holds its placo, though many attempts have been marie to supercede it. The shuttle, in combination with the needle, is still the means used to form the stitch, in the leading machines, and we find that the growth of trade is chiefly with the shuttle-using shuttle-using machines.- The improvements that are taking firm hold in practical use are, therefore, necessarily necessa-rily iu connection with tho shuttle, either in the detail of the shuttle itself, or in other partes of the machine connected with it. to cause fie whole to operate more perfectly and uniformly, and to simplify its use. 3Iiny important pains in tbis direction, made since the first creat invention, are undoubtedly un-doubtedly embodied in the "Florence" ma-chide: ma-chide: and wo recommend our readers to carefully inspect the "Florence" before ma-kinc ma-kinc a choice. The points peculiar to this machine are: An unu?ual amount of money is si-ent in maKing the "Florence," thereby securing the best iiidtcri.il 'steel, fr instance, where others use c;t: irn J. and the r nest finish of important parts (the shuttle, fir example, beine rigidly rejected if it varies from the standard l-2 0ith of an infh ) It is constructed con-structed on theimple:r. scientific principles, entirely dispensing with the e"sr, and cams, acd link- wni'h mi often cet perversely out of order rnd sorely perplex every nno but the practiced machinist by their unaccountable unaccount-able freaks. '1 lie "Florence" is so euily managed, and its u c is so readily learned, t hiit an ordinary girl of ten has ?cnsc and muscle enough t run it perfectly. Tnelock-Slitch, Tnelock-Slitch, as made by the "Florence" is very re.ularand perfect, very strong and elastic, and is drawn into the fabric evenly, gradually, grad-ually, exactly, without jerking, and wiihout causing Lhe ,-eam to pucker, or straining the thread so as to endanger its breaking ; con-ic'iucntly, con-ic'iucntly, vei y line threads and lich t tabrif can he u-ed. Besides thi-. tiie Florence" tin all but the cheapest Mylen) al-o make three adiJitional ttitelie a double lock, a single knot and a double km. whi h are stronger end nx.ro elastic than any other stitch, and which are made by no other machine. ma-chine. The "Florence" i the only machine that his a rever.-iule iced, whereby the direction di-rection of tho Fcwing can bo instantly changed without Hopping tho work, ihui enabling the operator to o,uilt or embroider with unusual facility, to sew backwards nnd easily strengthen a seam wherever desired, and, finally, by a few repeated stitches, to fasten ends in tho n.uickrrt and strong?-! way. It U the only machine that had -i self-adjusting self-adjusting shuttle-ihread tension, which works so perle.tly that the operator can run across the cavim seams and sew the fine-fl linen and the thickest broadcloth in immediate imme-diate succession witbont breaking the thread and wiihout chanting the needle, stitch or tension. The "Florence" drawa the thread into the cloth with unequaled precision and certainty, by mean of an ingonious automatic auto-matic "take-up" wheel, which disposes of the Inck thread left after thestitchwithan accurate promptness that prevent a I snarling snarl-ing or dropping of ft itched, find allows tbt operator to pew backward, or to run off th cloth and on ngain, with pcrfrct impunity. It him an iuiprov. d elastic hominer, eaclu-aively eaclu-aively its own, whih is managed with ea8, and will mako a h' in of uny width on any material II not only makes a perfect gather and sews it to a band at one operation, bul it hems, and binds, and fell?, and guilts, and cords, and tucka, and gathers, and braida without baating. tuch special provision u made against injurious wear that the "Florence" "Flor-ence" id clannod and guaranteed by theCotn-pany theCotn-pany to last twice as long without repair hm any other shuttle intchine in the market, without the slightest ditlicutty. Fvcry pari of the "F'lorenco" is ho porlectly anl permanently perma-nently adjusted, and it has so few joint- and points of triction, that it rum with tho ut mo-t ease. 'I ho ncedlo is set and threaded, and tho stitch is lengthened, shortened, or reversed with tho utmost ut-most ease. In using tho "Fh rence" neither tlie work nor tho operator's dre-x it) liable to bo soiled. Tho "Florence" with all theno c-aiinx to superiority, sells at the name irie us other first-class machines. Thcso advun tages : Liberality in manufacturo; Sinif.licity of construct ion; Facility of matiageineut; Variety ot Stit' Uia; Hevorsi bio :ocd; helt-adju.-tiii;- tension; A utomat ic ta k o-u i; Improve! he. inner: Provision against wear; P rfect und pf rum uent nlj nut men t ; lia-y regulation ot ueedlo and stitch; Clean I mem anu eh ra j iit'; The beauty and lugb linih of tho machine Make th'j "Floret. i c," moderately neak-ing, neak-ing, a maclilno which to be valued, needs but to be tried. No family can afford to bo without a sowing sow-ing machine, and we hopu that belore lour one may be found wherever "Tho Tribuno is welcome. TO THE LADIES OT Suit J,M( lt. ami throughout through-out the 'J ir i ltmi h of I'tnli, Ida int. M on I a n a and W Olll 1 Hid Wu ol'iil u mrdiiil ii v i I lit. if fi to cull uL our otli-o, uti'l Hiniii(! tho Floninco Fuiiiily Sewing .Miu liim-, whclln-r do sinini' iuiiin'iliulo puri'lut'O or nid; it is our uu.-iiiie-s, und nliiu.-uif) to oliiul (loo (; a in in ul i'lii n n 1 1 (jinn purr :i. 1juv(! on fxliiliitinii, in oi-il'T tho niiir.i en-ily to ciliiin pninU of diU'en-nci', in which wn rliiitii Miporiurity, tho ma-cliiiicTi ma-cliiiicTi of viiriniis ttnil.i-rs, i iwl u il in lli.i (IrnvrrA: H.'il-'T, Smn-r and W'l lor A: Wil 'iu. J n tnnking un h cuinpun-."II, cuinpun-."II, j 1 1 1 u u in i i' ii 1 1 v ii 1 1 1 ii will Lo takoi. d' rival ni!H-iiui', hut on tho contniiT lh r-y v. ill m hi'JiL ly II CililH'li.'llt T 1 1 1 rliiiiiri in ll.'i ln;.-t of running onlfu i -fiiiM! i !' I Ihmii i c u i ic n ;:'io(l mi cn.ii-noor cn.ii-noor ii- u n 1 1 l i o. c;;a3. s, hammer, ( ih ihI AK' iH, s. I, T J.AK I ', CITY, UTAH. Z. C. M. I ClothingDepartm't FRESH ARRIVALS Of New Goods in Fall and WINTER SUITS ! OVERCOATS, CAPES, TALMAS Military Clothing, &o. AI.o a Full Variety of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS dents', Ladies' aud Hoys' BOOTS & SHOES Genls.' Youths' nnd Boys' HATS and CAPS. TRUNKS in all .stylos and qualities. Vauskm and CAn pkt acks, Carpets,Matting,FIoor Cloths M all Paper ami Ih'roralions. Alwiiydun lnui l nnd for enlii by tlm yard, a lurtio Mock of Krnit Ii nntt KiikIUIi CnoNltnrrr , PtM'fikl il m, Itrnvrn, Rlllll nry t int Iim, Home Pintle Ttvrrtln, A-ct SUITS MADE TO ORDER ! )"nth!iniui'n t'l'illiiiiK, or MHHnry Huitu, mmln () rdr in llu )vJt Stylo ul Kndiiiu 9 tlio almrhul tuition. Kirt -id tin Fit nnd Work in ii ni hip Ouurinitcod. MILITARY TRIMMINGS IN IIM KAT VAHIKTV. H. CLAWSON, Simt. Tmckee q ... SALT LAKE LUMBER YARD. ll:ill-I(lo k South V, C Depot. n. v, rAUKHnnsr, s...t, HA.VK JI'ST RECEIVED A LARGE LOT OF COOKING" AND PARLOR STOVES! Cheaper than ever Sold in tha Territory. CALL AND SEE THEIR Splendid Assortment of New Goods! Lock Out fcr h Ihv Ss'mn? SAMPLES ARRIVED AND CAN BE FOUND AT TEASBEL & D8 WHO ARE AGENTS FOZi TIIE CELEIill.VTE I) BLEES RflACHlWE Link .Motion, Lock Stitch, Straight Needle, and will perform with accuracy the Heaviest and Lighten Work. MORE MCIHXES TO ARRIVE I. A FEW DAYS. Our Dry Goods, Grocery, Boot, c hoe, Hardware and Crockery Departments Are being daily replenished irith a full variety and at p.ices tj satisfy all. THE AVERLLL CHEKHCAL PAINT COMPANY'S PAINTS, Embracing over A HUNDRED DIFFERENT SHADES, prepared fcr immediate application anJ requiring no inixinsr, ju-t received and for aie at tlie DRUG DEPARTM'NT &m ITw. la The ingredients of these Paints are. simple and iiide-truetib'.c. The .(unities .(uni-ties with which they recommend thcms ;lvci are : Choupas-ss darabi itv. rioiity of color, an unusually smooth and z.--y aj.pca.nnco. !? labor rcq nifd inlaying, no trouble of mixing, will t'.nl uro or ram. at;4 d e not crac or peel off with atmospheric change-?, nor chalk oil hr i'riet;n. They ar the test, cheapest, most durable and most popular Paims in usr. The AVEKILL WHITE PAINT is a ZINC PAINT, ntauiinr w, ead, and is of equal superiority and popularity. BRING ALONG YOUR PAINT CANS OPEN AND PTT.CI1ASK BY THE GALLON. A lull Hue . r Foreisi, ilomestie ant! Case liquor. At the Drug Department, Z. C. M. I. ion sCooperative Mercantile Institution , TO CITY AM) COl NiUV CO OPERATIVE STORES And the Trade srenerallj". WHOLESALTdRY GOODS! EAGLE EldPORITOI, (Up Stairs.) WINTER ODODS! Lonsr Sliaivls, Nubias, hosiery, Mnlc Mia wis. Hoods, loves. Children's Shawls Scari's. I'lannels. Si;:nUeis. Counterpane. .Beans. Cassimeres, Liuseys, DOMESTIC GOODS IN FULL SUPPLY AS USUAL. ISoots A Mioes,IInbhers A: Arctics, Men's, 5oys and Children's Hats. H. B. Clawsou, Supt. Zion's Co-op erati ve Mercantile Instil WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTS t: NT, i:i.DUF.i)(;i: . ci, vavso i;rii.iix;s. ion can lind al this IVpiirtniont of '.. C. M. 1. a Ivin-r MoA " LAMPS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, STrVt5, MhMMi TOOIS, 1U.ATLN(J lHnVHFK. Maple and Taney (iroeeries, l' And van Get More for your Money and Orders i'"n you can at any other House in Utah. i. u. i. vm. f,, |