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Show A Ekksii St I'PLY of Pigs' Feet, just received from Chicago superior quai.-ty. quai.-ty. Joe. Simmons. adv Hotel Basement, 2d South St. ' Theatre. To norrow night a sen- j sation will be presented at the theatre in "Lochiovar, or the Bridal of Neth-erby," Neth-erby," in which the beautiful and trained horse "Waverly" will be introduced. in-troduced. It must be remembered that though this is something of a horse piece, no horse-tility is intended to anybody, an announcement which it is to be hoped will not be received with a horse-laugh. The piece has a fine reputation and should draw. Mr. Langrishe appears as Crouiie and Mrs Langrishe us Lady Helen, with a full cast. The performance commences with "Fitr.smythe of the Hall." White Hocsk S. Bamberger & lire. Proprietors; tirsl-class family holed and restaurant, reconstructed under new manae'ement, .Main street. Sail Lake- City, Utah. Large and w-11 furnished rooms ami all ihcdelieaeiesof the .-eaou at reasonable charges. A ladies' dining room alt 'died to the spacious ret're.-li-ment saloon. Board and lodging S'J 00 per day; by the week, Sl'J.lKl; day board SS.00 per week. Fresh oysters just received re-ceived and served up in everv style night or day. Free con veyance to meet all trains. S. Bamhf.iu.eu A Bro., adv Proprietors. |