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Show Horrible III fuut ic lile j A B-one county eorre-pondent of the New Albany (Ladiaua) l.cdy:i says . I One 1 f t'ne iU'i-t horrible c i-es of in- ! l'antici-io cer recoid'-d wa- commuted in tio-.s c-e:iit.- I;:- w. k by .1:1 unmarried unmar-ried v-):na a ol' :!ie name of Osborn. livin; 11- :il- Lvi'liv;.:-:. It seelu- ti.a; .-011,0 rvo year.- ago -lie gr-e i.-iitb to a ch;M 111 the wouus, aud in doom so. : froze her feet so Oably that both had j to be auiputat d. She claimed iiiat i ibe child had been still-horn, but it- i body was afterwards found in a creek near by, with marks of violence upon ' it. No attempt was made, howovei, to pro.-ccute her for the crime. Tiiis time she was living with an old lady by the name of Juvice, who, dt-c iver-ing iver-ing her to be pregnant, and having heard the previous reports eoncernimt her, determiued to keep watch. Ou last Friday evening she was absent from the Iiou.-e lor some time, which excited Mrs. J.'s su-picious. Ou her ! return, after much persua.-ion and many threats, on the part of .Mrs. J., she acknowledged that she had given birth to a child and had destroyed it. She finally consented to accompany Mrs. J. to the place where the body was concealed, it was in a wood near by. She had hidden it near a large log, covering it with leaves and slicks of wood. The body was warm and the blood still oozing from the ghastly wound which it had received at the hands of its unnatural mother. She had fir.-t broken its head with a club, and then tut its throat from ear. She does not deny the commission of the crime, aud talks very coolly upon the I suhject. She says she supposes she mu-t be crazy, and that she knows of I half a doien men who will swear she is insane. She is in jail. |