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Show HiofMA.s s Ui.vii.vi Cok Liver Oil. f ur C'jn uuiptiuii, Scrui'ula, &c. Our Cod Liver Oil h warranted pure K V yo UXULA.N D OIL. It ha-s itood the ti-t ft' over twenty vars: experience. exper-ience. Bild eitn be relied on in every particular. par-ticular. -Mainline. LI red by litOEMAN . Co, Clienii.-.-s and Drugeiot.-, 'e Vork. and sold by all DruggUti. Stkayed from my residence in the 1 It b Ward, a small white roan necked COW, about tliree yeari old; branded P r.n right hip and one ear mostly off. J'I'.-e return said cow to ine and be re-narkd. re-narkd. .S. W. Kichakub adv Without any Jomsa .Stubbs and Kirkwood's U the place to get your money back. Call aud see them, oppo-( oppo-( .ite .Salt Lake House. adv I A 1'ikr Chance. Carl C. Asuiusien lias received, i'or the Holidays, a splendid splen-did assortment of Toys, Je'velry, and other g iods in his line, suitable "for the reason. Call at his Jewelry, S atch, Clock and Toy .Store, Main street, adv Look II;hk. If you want to save money go to John .McDonald's for your ' Christmas doings, 'leys in great var- I iety. Dolls from two weeks to six months old. Fancy groceries Ac, &c. adv A Fine Chiustmas Present. The latest novelty, -Musical Albums, at Kd Harris' Cigar Store. adv Paris is stakvinu, the Prussians .-.uy. Uoliglitty & Harris, though, keep the Globo wull supplied with the finest bread, crackors, cakes, pies and pastry; and manufacture tho choicest quality of pure- candies. Try them. adv Fixe Fbksm Honey in the comb, delicious and cheap, at H. Wallace's. I adv Go Foil Hill. George Chandler, de-1 de-1 Icrminc-d to continue- to please the pu b- i lie as ho has dono heretofore, will Keep ' the choicest tneaU of every kind, with accommodating salesmen to wait on customers. Try him. Stall No. 2, right hand, entrance of .Meat Market. adv A Farsn Svitly of genuin English Ale. Golden Crown Cigars. Pigs' 'eet, Lambs' tongues, Ac. Ac, at Phil. Margetts', Second South Si. adv Try Ed. Harris' choice He.vana cigars ci-gars and tobaccos. A large stock of gents fancy notions jut received. adv Matches. The Great V.'e-tern Matches, manufactured by Paul Lecfi-tenburg Lecfi-tenburg are equal to any imported and warranted to keep in any clmiaie. Try them and be satislied. Sold at the V.f.a Ward Co-operative store. adv lr you want a No. 1 Suit, goto M. Earl, Second South St. s,;v Fo Yot vv ant to make a present to ;t gentlemen' hat better than a ivx of choice cigars' Get tiu'in at Kd. Harris Har-ris Ci(ur a lore. adv Flks ! Furs!! A. Ander.-on. sign of the Big Glove, 2d Soutu street, se'hs all kinds of fu-s, manufactures ladies and gents' fancy gloves, robes. Ac. Jrirst-c.ass goods and moderate price?. adv Fou a stylish pair of Pants go and see M. li irl. Groesbeck's Buildings. Second South St. ndv Important ! Don't lorget that Joe .-Simmons' Saloon and Keslaurant, beilel basement, 2nd South street, is still well Supplied wun Oysters, Pig.-," Feel, Calves' Tongues, Sardines, Lager B .-cr, 'Pennant's XXX Porter, Barclay A Perkins' Per-kins' London Stout, Sllepton Mallet Palo Ale, Brewer, Bemas A Co.'s Omaha Ale. .1. C Partridge's Golden Crown Cigars and F"ine Cut J'obaei-o, Great specialty at this Saloon is Fre.-h Oysters, large, fat aud luscious, Eerved up in every style. A supply just received. re-ceived. I'uis is the place to get a substantia Lunch any hour of tne day, and at very cheap rales. adv mi ADVERTISEMENTS THEATRE Great Succcs of Tin: mm mm mm Monday Evening, Dec. 19, 70, Will i-o prcst-iiU-d. for the first time in tLm cilr Aom untie Eti, licet rim. 'mho, LOCHlhVAR: Or, the Bride of Ncttierby. Iiirc'iliic:iip tl't1 TRAINED HORSE "WAVERLY." Sir. . Langrlshf As CR0MIE Mrs. LanpriFhc As La-ly Helen Assisted by a owrrfnl dl si rt bin Ion of characifiSi Coiuciy. mmm v hall i Characters ly the Company, 300,000 POUM1S ()F SALT, At tho IDAHO PTOPE. 0mh Pou-e Ceirner, JOHN YT. SNELL, Jordan Strert. I)!h Wurd, IliU-a-bIook wct of th Tabernacle, CAIT IAHC riTV 1 Having the IaU",t ioiproved Mauhinery fur working in Iron, Wood & Brass, Can munufn'-ture H kind nf MachfnlHt' Tools, Tnrnlnf Lattirn, Kan Blowers, Gear Cnttln and Bolt Screwing Machines. hrtir Vals. CMton, Woolen and (irta-t Machinery. Kf., KK., Ktc. OUR FOUNDRY H;t?, lit rr?cnt, be-n the Most Succrxsful t'n (s TfSn'rnn', ni weLSn turn nut "n-Mt-f Jn.m the thir,-Del thir,-Del nf a Move Date up f, ieh-;v? ccw f r meltliiK and ( rnohlnf Worki, at Low h Igareh. A No I Model Maker, All kinds of Old Iron Bought. a t i....r ?. ti, ,,;! -'- k i-.n U: l.:il a;.;. 1 -n ,.. " Il.l.lAM I ;.:. K .., TFUNKS, VALISES.&C.&t;. M ..L e.:.i' e. l ' - . . . Olotliiii; I 1 " i-1 ii n j . F. . . h n x r. f r I. K units, And (.rmril F'arklnic ( nr., X lit r . : - t'-'-e . -.1 .-(-.. H. P. ( I-AWFCN, ftl pT. "A Complete Pictorial History of tiie Times," 'The 'best, cheapest and most suc-cesiul suc-cesiul h bdiiIt Hapcr in the I iiion." Harper's "Weekly. Splrndidly Illntraifd. oiices of ihe Pres.. S"0 ? ' " ? -a a ' - e J' 1 : 1 '" ' ; ' sn 1 -- - f.i,:ci ;' : t t- : a r c : ; ; : ' : -f , : "- N Y :.v-: i; ? . Pi. "iH : :"5rl?ii .1 :i i h r e n ;"-t-en i i r. y ; : e: c . ?er 1 c . iiei'rr .ire iru fj ' : .u'.rA : e."- --e .evj. s'.ei Sr-su: r"u . Dl-; c fw-- i-riisi b1. he enie:" ar: v : i- ro-;:.;r) . , B,'S..-l T-r.re er '"-pe-'- V't 00 y ha b;it 1 - Tere$-i; : vi r. N.ri e-i j : vi -c eff r; : Lj-i-iio s 1 zz? it , r ;:nc an c 1 uririf mtri - ; ir--rnr:-e. en'.or.ai lih, .j a.ri , j eei'iion-Die Y. .-u:,. j ! SUBSCRIPTION'S. 1ST1. j Trrm.: Harder"? WoekV. om1 ?w $4 im fn ei'rs c v (-f :;btT ihe Mo xi-t. Wkslt, or Biis. w il be up hej pr-ns tor evt-ry 1 !uP ..f tv? s.. i-scr te- 4 a e'-b. in Tie rem 1 : t. t;i-o ; or, en eopiw j.'i $"0 lO. witr out ii::aceiij. u berrirt-on to li rp-r'( M asmine W rek y and 'hi . 10 one. tt idrfs l.r nr ye r. S iv. or, two . f H r pe 1 's period eis 10 i-ne aaare for une year. $T CV) Back numbrri cjn be upplie.i at any tiais. Trie 1 cnual volume of HArper's e- iy. in neat cloth bin ice wi.i b- ?e t y ex-pre-. fre- of exp n-e f-r $7 CO eaoh. eomplrte Fet, rouipris.nt Fourteen Voiun-M, ien, on rce pi of c ri t itie rate t.f i v er t I., f e.fbt at xpeige of t urchajier. Volume XIV. ready Janu.iry 1-t, 1ST1. Ths posiac- on tlarper'i Wackiy is twenty cen'? a y.ar. w:eli mul be paid ; thepub-cr;bfr'6 thepub-cr;bfr'6 p t office. AddrHAKPliR & UKOTHKHS, New ork, "A Repoaitory of Fashion. Pleasure aud Instruction." Harper's Bazar. A Supp'euient containinR numerou full-sized full-sized l'Mitcms of ustMul arii.ies aooouianie tho paper every farto-ghi, llarpci's ii.iiar Contins 16 folio pases of the sue of Harper's H'eekly. prin ed a m-peifine m-peifine caieudered paper, and is publibrd Weekly. Xotlccs of the Prrio. Harper's Baiar coutains besides pictures, patterns, etc , a variety o: matter ot o:-pvciiii ueHnd imerel to the tamilv; Nrtii.'U on henlth. dross, and hou?ekeeiiii(r in n branches; i 1 editorial mw'.u-r is spci-i ad.ipied to the cucle it i.- intended to lu'tM'v-i and instnici ; and it has. heidv8 go-d -tones and literary matter ol me it. ii not iurpr?iiig that ihe journal, w it h u.-ti le.t-tures, le.t-tures, ha acineved in a (noil liiueanun-men.-e sucot.-s : t-r soluc hiiiK o. it5 kind wa ne;i d 1 . thousand- ot la:iiil'L, a:.d u pubiif hci havo Diled the demwud 'i tie yi.Liu: ladk' hho Lu h Mug,;-, number ol Harper' B7.aris ma a .-u j-sti Lht lor iile. V Y leuing W'A file Batar i- e cell e tit. Like all the pei i odual vvln.-h ihe H.irj.pr?' pabl r-h , it u almost al-most ideally well t-diwd, a d llip cii.- ol ro ders lor whom it j. inten t'M i,e ti.oituTi. and danchifrs 111 iiveravo fannl 0 can not bill crutit by i(s pu-.d i -ie mid f.i-.d la-ie I n h ich, o a 1 v do a hi , are 1 0 da making t ory many b"iiu' hapincr luan i'tn-j niu iia e been be "re they br: iu l.i s uk l"e;-o 11",-in 11",-in iu 8'iual nnd ln.u-li ,( il(Ki -oeal n.air ae-tueiil fruiii tliis goou natuiud meutoi. Itie Nation Y, Sl'BSClUP ri(.S---lK7l. T 1- r 111 a t Harper's Baz-tr, un' year -An extra copy of eitfier the Vupa; . u l" eckl or B.i.ar h i I t,o o p 1 icd l i a - 1 1 CVt'O lu" o! I' 1 v c S il 1' -1' 1 i It i a l i 1 t,hJ 1 a 1 in one r umtaii'-e; or Loj-u-s Lt co l0, wit h -u 1 t'Uui c py. Mi ''er p.io..m ,1 ii n e s Ma.- 7 ine, , ek y and Bal.ii , 1- one .id I e s or o e a ,i "AM; or, l' . uf Harp-;r's 1 ' r i . l! . ca h, i-j ne aa-or- -s fo one y t? . t?. link nun scan be sup p ivd -i anvtiii'e V l I. II -lid U -1 i.ai v I. e. . I r the ea r 1 v. "w ,vantl . hu d preen mioLT" e o Ii. ,1 U sem hy ex ju ehf, Ireitli. u. en iid. lor s7 iKj e:u- i' e p -'Si itfe 01. tj u pt-r s liazar is 'o - eu'i a y u, w iii. 11 imi y p ,i,t i je-ub-o.. bcr s p ai othcu. Ad re - ! Ilnrper &. Brolhns, .New York. "Unqnestionibly tlio bst sustain r-d work of the kind in the Worid." Harj)er's Magazine KOT!CK3 OT THE PRRPS. No more deli(thiful travels re printed the knplieh laiiKu pe 1 h 0 ipp- ar prpct-ually prpct-ually in HaKPKk - M aGaZIM. i -')' re rnd wiih equal inte-i-Bt and f t if acnon liy 6 w o every grde 'rotu eigliteen to taph y I f f P'-ifni c pspen1. w il m flicie.il 1 1 pn-foii d to demaii'l the M'tento'U ..i iho named Te yci adiuualily sd -pf"t l" the p pular un-t-r-s'Mndnig, n d dtpif ned mi ti l nllnae po-r-ci mto in lion concerning current n--etitihc Hifr-ovcy it ouid be il il w- tlie orRAD ' f ihe ' .-f.cioty 1 r th iJillufion id -eiui Kn-mhlF. ." Thm pici .-.n ,,) HiRpm'u 10 give iirre-t . I riu it on anH rational awur-emrnt to th f t rrn' nm-e of tlie people. I h re nr w i u I h icul An er-ical er-ical fain ili in b ich II a P a'f M o Zi sit would n--t be nnnpprciiit-d null b h iy . el onippu-"t There h no num hi M ,nrn a n mr m 1 1 geot ra in f 11 ii j ri le - - ',',,,,,) t be wi h nit. mulit id Haupkh a 1- fined. I here lfl i,,,t a lap .iine tf,! 1- prin e I wliKn nhow more . 11 lei 1' rtt painp pxpenlel on H r t j -O nn I 'i.echmiic-ii ext- uiio . I -j i not a cheaper M,.M7ine i-uld'th-d I I, - re ir not coi,le"et-dLv. h p-.puUr ,Mnpnime in tf'3 w.ij. -w Kipl iiid Homemead. ft "tie of ibn wonders nf j',urn -lip to t be edit.nri.al tr n ireiueijl -f ii A a r as a ut NatioQ, J. Y. SUBSCRIPTIONS. 1ST! . j Terms; j ilAP.rr.K Mamhvf., or.r y.-ar, j An Kmrn C'-py "1 r -tr t)m Nr.'-r. W hilt, 1 r . . 1 n3 1. 1 i'i(- j gr m 1 I for rv.T) f.ub of KW r .,r at M .rf-' .rf-' e"h in or, r in M ! in-e . ur. ri t..'-pi- uj ' SJ'1" , ilii'iUl fcltmroj.y. I Mibr pti- r, f. JU k -i i' M '-'' h V. m i V ! t ., I r-.- ! r . V-ar. t. or li.p . . -..r, .-j 1, 1 j -1 1 . r o 1, t ' 11. J1.0 k Nun,1., rt ni, -upi.l.-d i.t uj.y t !. A ' 1 - f , II 1 r i' - - i n ' - I ' ' s 41 'in,.--. ,,, r.- . - i-.-b " W'o " ! ( u-' ' 1' ( 1 ' i'-. i--f ro'.,,i!. - -' - ..a:..,:-. - '. ,. . I ' l.i. - : : ' l'-r l-.i .1 ; l- . ', . P - ! 1 - , '! 1 - - . - r V -i- ,- 11 h I l: K I I . IM, i - t DIEBOLD & KIENZLE, ... ....... 1. . , . 1 i KU.!;i:.Ti.: is.- T 1 : :. :. '.1 l ' i . . . 1. 1 i j A rt ::: 7 -a w U Jl k I 1, t. I I; 'i 'f ( : i ....... , II. II. ( L w ti , - Uf.t . .. f . l. J., nt Iir ( uu It rntory. EASTERN TRADE. Lake Sho-e O.l Works. maxwzu, wTTan l c:., En$inr, Sitt at. lallow. Lard aud WOOL, nn... IV.-.:.- in i3 C-r;.-:;. V . J.-.0 E.mil. j i.-.-r.L: O..-. tc: tif ic .1 P K A T T - A S 1 R A L. OIL. A:.--r. ,1 -.h Ul: V 0.. 0.. t-- v'. :X e:s ;s c-r n .-a r i p ; t i. r - :: ,d ; K.V.'n Kl .lf. T lx.- a Ft..". v. CHICAGO. - . - 1.; ill! .il 1 1, i l u il i u L . : .1. n noLiK .-: i)KUGlilST Ovate tin PUNTS, YARN S.i . DV; STUFFS, 8RU-MIS. Window Glass, Glassware, Fatant Medicine, t&c, 90, 94 A. 94 Lke fct., cor. Dearborn. a fca V i:h a trce exo.'ri- nro in the Term -nl iraaf, we 1 el L-re ,.f ;iij mnjfavt.on in quality. nne5 anu pack.as. MAFKUY. ALLING &. CO,, Imporier and .lonbers iu Hardware I Cutlery M Lk Street, CHICAGO, 1 l.L i. is. siurKr.it, MKRCH.IN r TA1LOK. So. 511 Ollv. Street, ST. l.OI Is, Sen.U Clolhiun all over iho V,.,t ami tivm entir. atil'acli..n. S.. 1 .-tabli-ninmt. CHASE, Wm oO & fO voin AVi r St., I UK A(,(, lie nijiini t(i,-. f.-r Oils, Paints, C::as?, c , Mnnu ":icuiri r.- ot i In- ci-! . Iu i , .1 WILSON OIL TANK UJ. IVIU 0. BOOT AND rJUO:: I iai .iii(Mi(, At l he i-.-n i.i i ,i .. . -.. i x.i . i x C!l n.l E .in n.- ..iii- oh..,,-.. '. , i HOiViL-Al-i I U 111 U i i i - v.. .A ml 111,11 rl:l bja-f I i- .is, .i - Li'li.'' nnd ( - ti 1 1. - ii t us S.ii 1. in grom vui 1,-ty, su.u Iu 1- r Iloliilay riTidili, lo.t-J nm Slitii-- for li 1o-m, (I tl-lf. m- n m.'U liikiin. M 1K I'O OHIH .K lujuu'iinj St't'y H,til Pnmiji'li We h,, J.i R, m. . Spl.-.0i I Hupplj ..( I.enther, 1 in lnHlnK K rm Ii iul 4.r. uin mit hkliih, llfti Hinuii, n iet mrlfiy of (nnte.l k ! ) klii.la f p,, r. Mule mttd IlarttesN l.fillin i m I . n 1t t tint k uf tt i fir V .nill..g-, uu-r uu-r o i d k it d Mtay I ) u t e Ol). m iiiii;m r.f)r(;nr. Call iih'l ttrryniir nM fricni. ( 't nrn .f "(i I S'lfinl Ji,?t th,U Jtnff rnuf Sh.f M'lLrm wind. H. B. ULAWiSON 1 inn. CITY LIQ'JQR STORE, 'hol .( iinrl Ut t;ii LlQI''iKs")WKS, ! i,i,...ii',.,. 1. IHIf Ml I- I K II I I I l I (. . , I. t l.in,il. Ml, . , i, MENAGERIE. i:- ' - - . ',.',,.-',"" "" ' ""'' " . mm N,, , ..( .,(Il1 lO. ll.p..... Illiil. at.. I ft'i'llr., I'----.-. . ' 1 In ! .t III I - -1 -1 ,1 ."'- . I II 1 1 -.1 . II. 1 1 1 - i ' ' ' - - - U- , i' 1 iT'l l ;i I I..H-, :j j.. ,,, . ' J. L. U AUKUU J , i(ii. |