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Show Tin- way she tni-ueil Him. The most bigoted and uureasonaole party man I ever met with was Jack )., now a 'prosperous and influential attorney in S. parish, Louisiana. At the hour of which I am writing, he was a red-hot Democrat, and his chief pleasure seemed to consist in making the fact as notorious as possible pos-sible to the world. Such was Jack P., at the time of our story, acknowledged acknowl-edged on every side as a tirui and in corruptible Democrat. iSut alas I let us not, however, anticipate but to our story. One unlucky day, Jack met, at the house of a friend, a young lady of great ersonal beamy and accomplishments. accomplish-ments. At traded by her loveliness, and captivated by her intelligence, he brcauie a-sidious in attention, forgot hi- "principles." and without inquiring in-quiring wnat might be tho political preference of his "lady love," imprudently im-prudently proposed, was accepted, and t hcv were married. The wedding was over, the gue.-ts had departed, aud they hud retired to thur chamber, and were snugly en-( en-( son-ed in bvd, when Jack, in the j C Mir-e "I' a pnet c nveiati''u witii hi- wtii unwillingly alluded to hi-I hi-I f iv.MVo -uiiei. ly casually .-pi akin.' mi' ir 'ii -e'l' a- I eioe a 1 V iiioe i a t "What '' ccl.llllicd .-I"'. I Lit llill.' r,..y :.! -a id, n'.y t !! h.iu, : "a e yen ;: D 11,. era! 1 ! "V-.-. 111 i-i.tiii. np!ied Jack, with1 tc i i 1 ef haweg a pa'nnt i 1 -: - tier iii I :- iene-re-traiued erat"ry. 'A r.-. : ! la.ei.iili, 1 am a Deuieerat a:iael,ed j ! il'.e iii.--: Ic- el the great r...-ri 1 I ivo parry: a iv-ju! ir out a:; 1 m;;'- :'. 1 ! lieu' .e died, ati.l iwi-te.l in i,,.. v, . j ", I u-t d e an I ti-l ji . W :; ', e f : h;- iv-i. th.cn. " i::o : 1 .;, :e 1 I,:- I i wife. "1 a::l a 'h;j, I a..;, an 1 1 ; lw:,i ncv-r .-ei p w;:li any 1: in prn- le uig the at auuiao.e devtr u -s yeu j d '. ' lack was sp--e.!.!e-- ir-en a':,-;eu:" j hiiiui an-i.t. I ha; the wr; hi-bo-, 'ta -hou'.d 1 ;e e a ir...:,,r. vi horrible; she u.u-i be ';e-:: i.'. II rcir.Oi;-;:.r -1 i:i vain; :;: 1 t ; -si.isoi ta- r,e; d.e-s; i;;;..:y a. id the ei.;y aue-. i,.iii a ai, Ma. wa a ! prompt ivt;:ii iaia-ii ,;' hi- :. r -y. r! a i a: ..:e 1 1 i in a.. :her r 1. d.. k oi 1 leC 1; -care. 1' 1 a:, .re ,- ..a j: .ill i e c,i div:i"inc- . 1 .- p irly. I ;o v :; iii! -o hi- a rg' in.S' t " -1. 1: t',: !, j that 1. 1 i Ih c ;;,e i.h 1.:.;; J vtlta i.i- i wry iv.iu'. t) tlie m re ve; :; 1 ..n i ca-piice ca-piice of a woman, w.i- u:t. r ri i'l. ii lou- and absurd, and he ihr.w l.:ea-c.: from the Ud and prepared to . ( -i r the room. j As he wa- -caving the d jor hi-wife scr-.-aa.ei ou; to him : "I sj.v. my dear, when you recant your her-:--y and re-1 re-1 ent or' year ra-t errors, ju-t kn-x-k a; my door, and perhaps I w;o k; y;--j The d:or was violent. y s'amn.eJ.aLd Jack proceeded wrathiudy in quest oi' anoti.er apartment. A sense of in.-ulted dignity, and a iirm conviction that he wa- a martyr in the ri.-ht cau-e. streegtheued his pride, and he re-o!ved to hold out until he f. reed his wife into a capitulation. capitu-lation. The second day was a rei-tition of the first no allusion was made to the forbidden subject on either si ie. There was a look of quiet happiness and cheerfulness about his w.ie, that puzzled puz-zled Jack -orely, and he felt that all idea of forcing her into a surrender must be abandoned. A third nieht he was alone with his thoughts. His red -ctions were more serious aud composed than on the prev oti? night. What they were, of course were known 10 himseif, but they seemed to result in something decided, for about midnight three distinct dis-tinct raps were heaid at his wife's door. No answer; and the signal was repeated in a louder tone : still all was siient, and a third time the door shook with violent attacks from the outside. "Who's there'. ' cried the voice of his wife, as if just aroused from sleep. "It's me, my dear, and perhaps a little the hardest Whig vou ever did ' see !'' The revolution in his opinions was radical aud permanent. He removed to another parish, teeauie popular, offered himseif as a candidate on the Whig ticket Ibr the Legislature, was elected, and for several sessions represented rep-resented hi- ad ipted parish as a firm and decided hig. j |