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Show LATEST uEV8 BY TELEGRAPH UST NIGHT j I I m , New Plan of Feace. France ! to Keep Her Temtciy. i and Prussia to Take j LuxenLourg and j KQlland. j 1 The Empire 10 be Ucslored in i'ranee. j I RuSituslj Rioting in Home. Delay in Hie Bcuibaid-nieut Bcuibaid-nieut t)f Paris. General 3Tews. Large .Shipments f Material Mat-erial for Fiance. Heavy Failures in the shoe Iu'iiie!-s in ljhiiartel-phia. ljhiiartel-phia. A Swindler playinar "Bishop" in San Francisco. ice., &.c, &.c. foiii:jg. London, 10. At a meeting yesterday yester-day the c.ihiuet came to the conclusion not to lake any steps to prevent Pru?-siu Pru?-siu oceiupinir toe teriitury of Luxem-fourf, Luxem-fourf, re.-eiviuy for further eonsidera-tiou eonsidera-tiou the steps to be taken in ease of foic-ihie annexation. The opinion is strenihculi lllat Prussia will take Luxeoibourg and Ilo.land instead ot Aisaee aud Lorraine, and that the war will end with the restoration of the empire. A dispatch from A ersailles, dated the lu.ii, saya tuat no elieetive ,ituus are mounied, aud the bombardment wiil not coininci ce before the 1st ot January. I'lie fiuns now mounted are useless. Lome, 10. At the least of the Immaculate Im-maculate Conception, a gang of ruffians, ruf-fians, head-dd by one Toguetie, a notorious no-torious inlidel. got up a riot at the gales of tlie Vatican, and made a savage sav-age attack upon some of the Kotuan peeiple liiemlly to his Holiness. They were armed with swords and hatchets, and made a terrible ou-laught, wound ing fuur citizens. 'J he soldiers, however, how-ever, were called out. They ciiarged Togueite's gang and made several prisoners. pris-oners. The others proceeded to 1 he police oflice and demanded their release. re-lease. The next day a colonel of the first Pontifical regiment uariowly es caped death at the hands of the rioters, riot-ers, by making good his way through the buildiug. London, 16 The Prussian delay in tho bombardment of Paris, is owing to the lack of a ".munition, coupled with the f.u-t that the roads are heavy and wet. The opeuing may be deterred a fortnight. fort-night. Die Pall .Vail Gazette, in a leader, urges that England s du'y is toimpress on Prussia that a violation of Luxembourg Luxem-bourg will not be seen with indifl r-ence, r-ence, nor passed with mpunity. The departure tioiu neutrality is no excuse for Prussia's aggression. It is sa d the French delay in acceding acce-ding to the cetnference, is due wholly to the difficulty of communication. Prussia charges that the French consul con-sul at Luxembourg keens open office (.., Ik. rownlicnnont of Vr.o.el, t,,i. ti''V- ersailles, o. The Germans, alter a slight skirmish on the 11th, occupied Beaumont, west of Everaux. Peifort is well deleneled. The neighboring positions po-sitions were taken by the Germans with loss, exceeded by that of the French. ;e ft: iial. Wav ?llerlil for Franse. Now Ymk, IT. The shipment of anus and war material lor France still continues. Almost every ve---l clear-inr; clear-inr; from New Voik for French port.-earrie-, as art of its cargo, a iarge .-juautity ; auel a'.reaely the sp-aun-rs Ontario and ' have left pj-ton via CoWu-, ia-ie-u enure. y wiiu warl.Le slocks, vaoe d at over three and ah li n.il.ions. 'l ie' sieaine-r ( oae ..--,,'.. Cap-ain Cap-ain II li.--. h is arrive 1 at li v-t'.n. t r New Voik. 10 tase on b"ard a tuh en--' ot' anus trpran-e. Tbe ( V..; 101s a ! " ovrt. -j; st-auif-r.ir-'i) bri-.t. -r.ip rv.vd. l--;:.t in t.J r i- -rie i n. -:y ,'..-i mo- r. 'i'l.e ' V , rt, vli ii ie ft 'ii tli 1 i .,- ii j.,, II ,vre. e,:.'. i ;,- , ,-t ' I ..r ,.,v T.' -f e-.t-e - .tea t: ..!-. - ,--.- , t i ni.v- r-. ttt : a i.j 1 ... 7 ", - i' 1., I-.' :.-. . - . !' j 1 1 ! r :'. -. a:. 1 '-'-e- 0: bar ne. j!-i" 1 ::i a ! a: s ' . . ' ' 1 '. Ft. It Bnllf r Imlidrd. ! V.',-' :.. p. I . p i.-v M.,r-::..i : ' i.-v Vle-tel B .;. r. i- : ... 1 :. .- - -. : a j l--l..-'l T.i::-. ' !.v g'-'': 1 . y I st.V f in, i f 1 ;, ... . : r : r.cr.. B r.er , s: -, -e , s-s-; ' .1. ...i 1. .n' L'- en ii. a :e, ; n ; ! -!. - c 1 ! . ' P ; : I ! '-f r ,.; a;-- r ; :: y i r c .-. r a : -. :. 1; , : 1: s. iii'.- I ve .... r- 1 '1 ' I CIV" -e; j . -.i::..- .n t:.e s.i.u . : I .ir ;.-i-i:a ' w:.i ;..ke j .ace u..:.ft tl.e ;r-.-er.t terrr, I e f Court. Admiral Brctse D.ad. r.ear-Aaniiral Breese. United States t.avy. died t-aay. aged s-;-ven:y-.-ix. Heavy Suspensions. PhilaieirPia. 17. The CvmwtrcM Li.-t to-day. says the su-p-. ns-.on ol : uiteen i::ivs. manufact e.-s. e"e---ij.:s--icn h ats. ar.a i -t-t--r-. :n f e ,-r.oe t.-ade. cur'.ug t:.e pa-t '.wo te.s. ha-caused ha-caused iiot e-t.iy ev.c-.'.r'-i.e::t tut a. a: m :or tie cred: ai fu-ure c -ur?e e;-: the : u-ijc-s-. j i.e i-.'. -.'w;. c is a its 1 tr.e broken i 0-isc-. with n es:i:i ;a-e oi :he;r i:abii:t:cs : l.. a. C.adin eC Co.. ?I7v,'."-'J : Gosiin i Vaci.tri. -IT-J. '."'.': t'rani Keen. (.'. : .Verrc i Fe n iwtou. :S.C.v; B.aok. $HUvO ; iV. Mcblu gni i Se t). S-t'4 e'.'.' : C. Fay. ilj L".'.'; P. B.;:-.nau. 4.' '.'.-': T. P. cC S. t. ,::n. f '.'..1...-.1.1 : L aig e i Vine- lit. j-O.eAV: las 'U & Ls.'.vei, j-s.iA'J; An.Li-"se ec MeM.mktr $4-l. '-'A1: I'jrmati ' W hey. S;o.e.e'j: a tirm. the name of widen is -Uopre-scu. J34.i'-J. 0. S. Ciad n & Co. will pav atsut forty percent.: I. K'-en. tt::y ; W". McKuight i jon. i'o:ty: t'.Bx'naii. 50; Lan.ey'i Vincent 4 : f. P. S. f. tniith 25; and Goshu A Vachiel aoout '2j. It is not beam what proposition has been made Dy the other houses, though it is not anticipated antici-pated they wid pay over -5 percent fbe firm whose name has len suppressed sup-pressed asserts its abiihy to pay liuhar for doilar of its liabilities. The tota. labilities are S755,L'eKj. San Francisco Items. San Francisco, Dec 17 Unusually e )ol Weather is prevading throughout the State. At ? a. m. the thermouie-ter thermouie-ter at Sacramento was 34. and at San Francisco 50. Heavy rains are pre vailing in touthern California. It has been discovered that the Catholic people and clergy here have been badly swmdied lately, by an iui-poster iui-poster who claimed to be a bishop from Persia. I'ressed in goigeous rai meut he preached in several churches and raised considerable sums 10 bail , churches in Asia, wiih which he decamped. de-camped. It is rumored that Washburne, late minister to Paraguay, will succeed Phelus as collector for the port of San Francisco. |