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Show Want to Know. Some of our friends at Bountiful would like to Lave a turkey shojting match before Christmas, Christ-mas, fo as to have the birds done up with the feathers off and "ik'.-e intes- j tines ' for holiday dinners. But they j are exercised .-eriuu-'v exercise'.5. What troubles them i, whether the ' shooting at the turkeys '.nuM be con-; sidereJ shooting at the United Stette: j and whether their assen.bling f r the purpo.se named would be "rebe.lion ' j against the government. You ".-e. j thce are critical time-, when a man tTi't sure Tvbether some guberna'ortj! j ukase may not be infringed if he -hakes hands wiih a friend, or takes a flying shot at a wild duck. IIo'.v i- it about turkey shooting matches, and rabbit-huntiug, and duck-hunting, aud several other things incidental to this season? And do skating parties infringe in-fringe any proclamation, seeing that they are armed or footed with steel instruments for cutting ? It is to be hoped the many anxious inquiries thus arising will soon be set at rest. |