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Show A Senseless Effort. The persistent per-sistent attempts of the "ring" here, to subvert the liberties of the people and bring trouble upon the Territory, we designate a senseless effort. Evcd if they could succeed it would stiil be a senseless effort. It aims to destroy, and that is always seuseles, v.heru tlie destruction does not involve the maintenance main-tenance of some right principle, which this docs not. Do they hope for fame iu the achievement? If they were even successful they would not get it. Ephemeral and empty notoriety might be theirs, but no fame. They wish for power? Granted; but power iu a Republic Re-public gained at the expense of the rights of any portion of the citizen.-, is short- lived, and those who gain it sink in the estimation of all men, and finally lo?e what they sought. These men freely exercise all their rights of citizenship, citi-zenship, and might win the re-pect of the people by pursuing an honest, honorable, upright course. What they ?eek, whether of influence, rcs-p-ct or pecuniary benefit could be obtained ob-tained iu a pleasant way, for they arc not making much money by their present pres-ent course. If they could succeed they would breed such a slate of anarchy as would paralyze business, throw a strong barrier in the way of inlcrmd development, develop-ment, bring misery and .-offering to thousand .-, and cover themselves with sbainc and contempt. Can't they see it? Are they so blindly fanatic and such natural breeder of mischief that they will persist in a course fraught with disappoiotmenl for I li' in -i-l cs ? ft. look" like it. |