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Show L'SHTNi'iLi FLASHES. Til river at Ai: auv, N. V.. is full of ice. ' , Cincinnati had .-. si IX), 00(1 fire on Friday night. French sucee.- . arc reported at j uncus points. I l-. is announced that Prussia has jought Luxeml-oui l'ieasanton has been coiibVmed Coa -mis-ioner of Interr.al Revenue. Bismarck is to be made a Dub-but Dub-but wishes to retain Ids own name. ; Do Palladines lias retired from th-French th-French service anil is gone to his , late. A balloonist from Paris has tele graphed to .Bordeaux that ho has 00d news. Several auue.- lately mauo ou Chau-zey Chau-zey s lines by the Gcriiiaitn were repulsed. re-pulsed. Loudun had a uioustcr iaeetiiiy uf sympathizers with tlie Pope on 'J'hui'H-aay 'J'hui'H-aay night. Proofs of a JJius.-iau scheme lur the restoration of Napoleon, it is said, are found iu every quarter. . Sixty per cent, .of the German wounded wound-ed have recovered and joined their regiments or the reserves. The . irgiuia Legislature has passed, ffith one dissenting vote, a resolution asking Congress to pass a general amnesty am-nesty bill. King William of Holland telegraphs the Luxembourg government that he approves its acts and will defend the treaty of 1S67. It is again reported that .the King of Prussia has promised to restore the Pope to his temporal power when the present war ends. The freight earned .' eastward over the Pacific ii. R. from San Francisco, luring November, was 3,uOU,02p. lbs., of which 863,000 lbs. was tea. Sau Francisco has a sensation in some live lizards, taken from solid petrified pet-rified fir trees of the petrified forest near Calistog t. They are unlike any known species of the present period. Some burglars, in trying to blow up the safe of the Wiekford, R. I., National Na-tional Bank, set fire to the building, which was burned down, and with it the town records for a hundred and sixty years. Bismarck says the republican French Till fight for ever, and the only way to io is to restore Napoleon, make terms with him, go tome and leave the French to fight it out themseives. The sub-prefect of Havre denies having announced a victory at Paris, but affirms that there is a general and precipitate retreat of the Prussians from the north of France. The punfving house of the Worces ter (Mass ) city gas works exploded on Friday, injuring the mayor of the city and the superintendent and fireman of the works. The loss was $15,000. Senator Drake has sent his resignation resigna-tion to the Governor of Missouri, to take effect on the 10th. His reply to s'churz, on Friday, was personal and bitter, and at the close he took a formal for-mal farewell of the Senate. |