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Show Mining Claim. The following letter from Commissioner Commis-sioner Wilson to A. A. Sargent, of California, we find in the Sacramento L nion : Department of tlie Interior, General Laud Office, Dec. 2d, 170. lion. A. A. Sargent, louse of litp- resenlatives : Sir Referring to the subject of your letter of the 30th ult.,I have the honor to state that it is held by this office in cases where there is no conflict, the testimony as to occupancy, possession and working of the claim, posting of notice and diagram thereon, and publication pub-lication of notice in newspaper, may be in the form of affidavits verified under un-der seal by any officer authorized to administer . oaths within the land district where the claim may be situated, situa-ted, as authorized by the 14th section of the Mining Act of July yth, IsjTo ; and it is the duty of the local land officers offi-cers in such cased to receive such testimony testi-mony and transmit it to this office with the other proofs in the case, the same as if it had been taken before themselves them-selves unless they have good reason for doubting its sufficiency or the credibility cred-ibility of the deponents. With great respect, your obedient servant, Jos. S. Wilson, Commissioner. |