OCR Text |
Show "medical 1'. 1). II 10 JS 11 1 I J rX", bUKGEON AND PHY--I0IAN. nfliro nt KoM'Jun':'.', reiT of Sevontied Hall. V. I it::i.SO, M. I)., SURGEON AND PHYSICIaN, 'dltixi at Kerii'k-ncr, in tho Thirteenth Ward. DR. 0. C. UIiMS3Y, I'll YS1CIAN, -HUKWEOX' AJJD i;i:UGGl.ST, URIUIIAM CITY, UTAH. . .i LEGAL. M. Kirk Patrick. S.A.Mann KIRKPATRICK & MANN, V Korii!.yK-a t- Luw, OmoK First South St., Fourth door eii.H of Howiier, EldreKo A IJii.'r Bunk. t. SNOW. K. V. HOQE. s.ow & iiogi:, Attornoys and Counsolors nt Law iNilt Jjiiko City, Utah. Ollioc ut Snow's corner, 1st East St. HOTELS, Salt Lake IIoiiko, KAKT TKMI'LK STHKRT, S A 1. T LAKK O I T '. TILDKN &. LAnilSSCX, Prop'm. BANKERS. I'M II ST JVA IMONAL HANK OK UTAH. Suit Etiko City, Utah Tor. W. . H.wpir, II. H. F.UicUp. I.. Hill" HrtoiMT, IMtVredyc Co., BANKERS. K.akt Tempi.k St., Salt Lakk City, ISWt'rs in "111 Ihist, Coin, Kxi'han.ee, Land Warrants, Etc, C 'lli'diou. m;,K, nti'l Toni'l ly i ouiiltf 'I. CORRESPONDENTS: Ui;i Si Co.. Nt w Yoik : lUnk M C"1 forma. S.m Hniui-.o; Fitt NhUvmiaI lUnk, Clucjt:.! : K--littiKH 1 ink. St. I.tniin: itx Nnuon il lt.mk. Om,.li.; J. s. Mwt-.ui a Co.. London. SAL l 1j .A 11 1-t iiv(.i: KK.VDixt; kooms KrM Tcmilc Stifrt, nmr Tlilvd Soul h !t reel. I'lio Room nrv now ojvti f.-r th iio oi loml--n. nd ilisir FfiMidt, and ih,. ,., irtHiy "ill K in d:itl tt.Mi.!;,mo (o (mitoII ili. nauitv of (hm ii- d"-"I d"-"I Nhiiiiihi; tiMulii and F.ntian-t.' MA Sn),vn'!liMI. WAKKKX lU'SSKY. IVlUhiI. COMMISSION MERCHANTS 0l ivi.a ioii California SI., S, Kr.ntli,, . . California. Jln1'" '',u'!"''," 1 the tillimr of onlcr, tr every ,l,..,.,M,Uon ot u.orchn,ii! e. "nlc of Ore.. o., AVlilLl, Eld&lNG, WILLIAM F. CALTON, l.-'Xrl-RIUXt-Ktl WKLL-UIHUFR on I J M.,,-k W nJ two ,.,th f nla V.,ra .ohool-hou-,'. wi I .in to oror on the eh TteM notioo :liui in ,:it i t:,.t.irv .tvlp COAL ! COAL ! COAL in ;i!iy ilo-iit'ii qunniity. tor ,Uc at tho U. C D-pot. or aciivcrcti in anv Mrt ot the citv. Unlcrs c;iu bo loll at the(o-opcrativc Dric '"ro. or at K. Kirk wood opposite Salt Lako Htni-o, CALIFORNIA TRADE. ElKTOI, EOSTETTER & EL Impor:era and Jjbijere uf FOREIGN A - D DOMESTIC DRUGS & CHEMICALS Fine Essential Oils, Oumx, Roots, Seeds, Flowers, Sponges, Hklnw, Pomade., fcc, And all otbr Staples connected with the Wholesaleand he:ail lrug iiuainesi. Corwtantly in reoeint. by direct Ixportation, ol .European and Asiatic producu. Exclusive Agents flr Quicksiiver. Hostetter's Bitter?, Drake'i Flan tat ion Bit;' r-1. Woll'? -ehe'dam Sciinapp.-. Xeweli's Pulmonary .tyrup, Andull the leading Proprietary M-jdicinea both American, and European. Orders Promptly and Carefully Exeouu-d. Ai os. 5'9 and 531 Market Street. Between Fir.'-t and Second, 8AN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Leather and Saddlery Warehouse. MAIN & WINCHESTER, M & 21G BATTERY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, Offer to the trade of Salt Luke and vicinity LEATHER, of all klmls, HAKXESS, I'tlilKOTlMA SADDLE. COLLAUS, WHIPS, And a Keneral aisorluicnt of SADDLERY GOODS AT HLW Y0!?K PRICES. Send tor Catalogues and Price. " EINSTEIN 8H0S, Hi CO., Importers and Manutiicturcr? of BOOTS AT-T.D SHOES 113, 115, and 117 Piue Strrel, SAX FKANCiSCLL We would especially call the uttenUnn of tho Trado to our CALIFORNIA MADE G30DS! Which in point of ttyle, fit and durability aro e'jua.1 tu ibe be,-t custuiu uunle goods. WH1TTIER, FULLER & CO. HL'CCBSSOIIS TO Cameron, Whit tier A' Co. and Full or A II eat her IMPORTKRS AND DRALKK8 IN" PAIN.TS, OILS, AND WINDOW ttASS. SOLE AGEKTS FOR FRENCH AND BELGIAN PLATE GLAFS CD'S 21 & 23 FRONT STREET. Cor. Pino Stroot, SAN FRANCISCO. C. ACOLPKE LOW 8c GO,, SAN FRANCISCO, OAL. , Importers of TEAS, COFFEES Nice, and all EAST INDIA TllODUCE Of which they keop stocks constantly on hand for puIo to the T O U 1 IJVa TRADE. ALSO AliBlST-ii FOR. Ln Yladndc Hnrinoiiy's, ofCnalT, HII K K HI KS, Bartlett W HITE LEAD COMPANY, of New York, AND PRAT T'S .0.-KPLOSIVK ASTRAL. OIL. J am c5 Otis. W. A. Maeoudray. V. W. M;icondray. MACON DRAY & Co., SHIPPISG Si CflMUISSIQS MK.Hl M AX I S, IMPORTERS CF UHlNA AN0 JAPAN TES And all do.'crii'tions of EAST 1SD1 A 1' K U U V C E, SAX KRAXriSCO. - - I II.. A. .1. i IS I FFITII, SALMON AND H5R?di;G5, I'iJ V a li t it t oil Mrn l, BolowiM. aan F R N SCO. All kuuls ot l.u.l. .n-kvt I'., ki. i r';-h CrnUinl on hn I. CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO, Importer? and Job'jert f all tho anei us- .f FOREIGN A.n OOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS, Wh.oh woollVr for fair t ilu1 t .,.-o i-i 1 -)-., :.t low r-r. in rohani:o t"-r N A I IOWI, l'VKURCY "ca-ii down"' - r ;ip-;oci orod ,t. ; 311 flay Slrrot, j San Franclcco. - - California I WILMERDiNa a, KELL0G3, Importers and Jobber; i-: Wines and Liquors, 214 & 21ti FRONT STREET. SAX KHAXCISCO. Jain. Si.n.u, J..bu S; n;.,ru-i C. C. V t xr :r. J. & J. SPRUANCE, ! WINES AND LIQUORS, 15 Front Street. 6AX FRASCISCO, CV LIKOKXIA. H. WALLAC E, MANlTAfTURKR OK PURE CANDIES SURPRISE BOXES AXD 1'OP-COH.i.V DA&H Keena piippliod with Ultiviilis, LEMO.VS, Sl'TS, FA.CV OROCF.KIKS, S.UlIvt:i TlHulKS, UULO1..VA SAlS lt.ES, fcl. CONFECTIONE.it, pies, pastry, AND FiiK'st Fi-csli Urentl. SOU T IT E li 1ST MAILS, EXPii'sSS LINE m ri lui; I lir I'. i. Mull. And AW1I-. I'hiso Co. t.iji-t.. PROVO & FILLMORE. Meadow Valley. Star District and St. George. t t. ;.e- : e r r Tin tic anrt Srlr 1inf. n p i e and Arizona. 1 Me.i ; sri i"' ' '. i .' . z- -. : r v .i...'y y .Lci 1.. -. - - Ml (.11 AVIIITK. Prop. a: t,.-. i - re; X C . l ? J-VTTTT. -'. . A,-. H. T. HELMBOLD'S GEXUIXE IT.FPAltATHiNS ' "Highly Concentrated" j CO.MPOCSD F LIT O EXTRACT iBUCH U , rtiiTe ar,d ?pec:r:c remedy fordi?e.io oi the B adder. K dr.ey-. travel ana Dropsical Swe.liLC?. Tbi'modi ice increase the powers of di-p di-p eiion, a'd excite? : h e absrben u into healthy aciion. by which the ms'ter of o:tl-car o:tl-car ou depositi'-c-1, and all utiEHturnl en-IflrgemenLs en-IflrgemenLs are reduced, av? well a? pt:n and innamm 'tion. and is guod for men, women and cniidren. H K. T.H IM3 ID'S I XTRACT B'J -HU For weakness ari-inp from ercefpes. habiL- of i dissipation, early inai-icretion, a" tL-ndeQ wiih 1 the ioiiowing symptoms: Indispositio i to Exertion. Lo?? I'wer, ' difficulty of Breaihius, L-if of Memory, Horr -r o' Disease, W akefunies-. Dimness oi Vision, P -in in trie iia-ok, Flusbn of the L!- ly. Hot Hand?. Erup ion of the Fee, eak .S rve. Dryce-s of the kin. Trembung, Pa'ltd Couriienance, ljiu-Pitude, Uf the .Muscular System. These symptom?, if allowed to g-o on. (w!iic!i tin- ujedicine invariably rt'iiiiiT. soon lidl-'w ra'uity, EidK-ptic Fit.-. Arc. in one uf Thich the p.ti-nt may exp re, Who can s;iy they are not reriucDily followed fol-lowed oy th"SO "direful di&cac." Insanity and Consnmpilo.. . Munv areaw;ireol'iLiec;iu-eff theirsutYer-irttr. theirsutYer-irttr. but i '-no will c i:f The rcod? of ihe in-ane asyiums ui-d the ui lanchoi-di'Hths lanchoi-di'Hths by con? 11 111 p io . bcr.r aiauple witness to the truth ot the a.-.-ert b n. The C"n--t;tu'ion. once u.i-cted by orpar.ic weiiki!'-.-?. ru'iurc- the aid of medicine to -1 r'i ;bon ai: i invito rule he sv-ien. whic'i H. T. tihLMB!Lb'- EX I K ACT uF DL'Cill.' invariablv doe. A trial will convince the jji'ist si-t-ptii-al. In runnv jirl'-otinn- . culiar to Fe'iiaK'.trie EXTiiACi' JJ L 1 ' 1 1 1" i- un-Muaici by a uy I. iii'-r roii-e-iy. tiu-' for all complaints i eideti t ;o 1 lit- av.v. or in th. l)F,CI.I.K UU t'll V.(JK OK LIKE, 51 r-r.E SYMI'TuMi Ali'.'VE. No i"amilf slioultl "bo without it. T'kr;i. : :i . .Mi-r ury, or uni-iL-.-'i.: mt-divinc ivr unpie.i-.. L ;l; ii d-uterjii? d.?-sases. d.?-sases. II T, Helmbold's Vlitrnci -r liucliu IMPROVED HO -i- v.,..,H Cures Secret Uise:i-es in ai. I. es at little expense, i it i le or no cn.u-j of aiot, do ,ncoin eiuenc. .m i no exposure Use Helmbold!s Extract Buchu For all affec i'ins ami di-e i-e? of t liee orcaiK whether existliig iu Male or Ft mule, from whatever cause orii;iiiuiing, an I no matter h-w Ions staudinK. li?ea es of these organs require the aid o. a diuretic. H. T. Helmbold's Extract of Buchu IS THE GREAT DHRET1C. And it i. certain to have the desired effect in all diseases for which it id rec iinuiended. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD I II- . KfcLMBOIiD'S Highly Concentratod Compound Fluid Extract SarsajJariLla, For purifyine tho Blood, removing ill chronic chro-nic constitutional di 9 arising from an impure state of the Blood, and te only reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure ot Serotula. .vald lload, halt Hheum, Prtins and wllinKS of the B ne, I'b'era-tions I'b'era-tions of the I hroat ami Lec3, Bluteho-, 1'im-ples 1'im-ples on the Face. Tetter, F.rysipolas, and all scaly Eruptionfi nf i,ho skin, And Bemitifrlng the Complexion. Two table? poonjful of the Exlrn-t Sar-saparilla Sar-saparilla added to a pint ot wntor is en,u"l to fie Lirbon Diet Drink, and one bottleful ip fully equal to a fralloo of i he Syrap of Sara-parilU, Sara-parilU, or the decoction a ueumly uiade. o II. T. 1IELMBOLl)8 HOSE AYAS1I, An txrellent loiion for dicac3 ari'in from liaiiit? of di-.-.pation, u-ed in connection connec-tion w i i h t he txtwactd Buchu and arnHp(t-r arnHp(t-r I la, in such ai?'-a..-ee rer .liirnendeil E idencc ol i he mo? t re i-n ible and re laule c ha: acter will aoroinpan y the mediin e-. Al?o explicit direeiior.8 for use. with m ' i'Rids dK THof-ANos living itmp?-f. and upward-of ".') unoiicitud cert fic .te and recotniiiLMidatijry letter?, m-tny of whi- h are from be liu'he-t cource?, including emiue nt l'h ,-iciaus. Clergymen. St-ite-men, c. Tlie I'roori- tor has never resorted to their publication publi-cation m the nt'opaj era ; h" doe d " t d" trii;, Tom i lie fa'M tbat his a rt ic I rank a-Stundard a-Stundard I'rep.i i .i.. '!-. -nd d' not Deed to he pr .pp.- I up lv.-mn-i. tie life id MeiH-rn. like the Doric Co In mi). -ii"ui'J j--.iu i miipie. pure, ui.i.i" ti", htvn, F.i.'t it- (.!. 1 niii-tion Ji,r i.r pi.lar. ttud Iruin alone i r 1U- Capital. m L My KiT t - ,:- -P.: ..a i a ', 1 I'ur- f e . u L t ' r;t.-i I . . ii i i- L , y r. : uh l W I , I '-! . J i " f) 1 Ii ,i : I ,.!-, i.. '! 'i ate p. i i ; t i i. u pu rei v v i u i ; f Mi ; i - iii v ,jo -ii, i e u.e ino a ' l i Ui - --1, .-I ; ! t 1 1 "in if ii... i". a r a 1 ,i '. i Ir i; - : I. - i ,1 i I r -.-(- 1' t--i ll 'v - - .' v .i. i' '. -. i , , -. . .. -, . . H. T. HELrVlBOLD. t -.- '. - : : f .-- - - II. T. Hi In.lml.r. Ill - ! IhbIiiI r. l..r, llrl.j, . y M.T. M.linl.old'. M,ti,itl ll.pot. 101. Sonlh 1 mill M , I'hll.il, i,til. Bexrare cf Countrf,:iu ! ASK TOR H. T. HILMBOLD'S: lAliK NO THKK I CALIFORNIA TRADE. ;m. kellee. Prpnrtorof :he K.ir.c S-f fir;,-: L- Ar:fits Viae-v Viae-v lire . IV.v: :or the s-p of NATIYE WINES & ND BRANDIES X. KELLER & CO.. Comer of r::ery and WAshisttn 5:re;. San Francisco. - - - California. Angelica Wine. Eldorado Wine, White Mdrir Port Wine Bitter. Sherry Grape Brandy. A-l our ff:aw an 1 Brandy frciirr.trri ?inf tiv j -rp. J?a!t L-vkf 0"ty CoTvrmnnn. Z Oo-Merat:T MircjinTiie in-ir.'jiion u-.si'-eA Co.. o l--.kiC;:. P. II. IWrr. wv!: A iV . '-vn k- r ccr w::forwie. RICHARD tiOOHID. AiT'-ni. Ss.: Lkf 0::y. WEIL & CO. Cigars and Tobacco Proprietors of the HAT AX C 1 ti A K .V ANVFACTOKY, iii, 4 43 and ii.i Kroni St., Southwest corner Front Jt Sacramento St., a A rl r A. TV C I C CZ J. i;vniti'i(i v to.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS 4S Clay St., San FrmuUco, DKAi ERS IX OREGON PRODICK. Are constantly m receipt of itn-con IImiii, H.-on, Lanl. S-lai. n. Ac Starch, of car wn an.l K.--trrn nmnufjtcttire a! i on IiMul. B31TTAM, K0LBR00X &CQ Importers and Dealers in Stoves tfc Ranges, SKFETiRGN &.TI PlTF, ; Copper, Zinc, Sheet Lead, W Ire, PfMl'S. Ijoad maci Iron Iipo, Tools and Machinery and ticnt ral HOLMS FURfHSMNC H-nOWf, EmbracinK Plain. Japanned, Planished and Maiuped U are, os. 1 I 1 A 113 C allloi nU and .o. 13 iV. I lJ Davis streets, SAN FKANClsa. CAL. ! - Uo'Jcn. . .),.. M ead ! 5. P. HGLOEM & : ., 1 "OuKlUNTiuV CdODS, , l.ir :tt Df.'ss J Hoi; ry. fcc. j 'J" & o'l SA N ) M !; S j'.. j London; 7 Leadrnbaii t.. K.C roBbi, Dfi.Vi SSOiJ, Import ere of ENGLISH, EHECH &, GERMAN Fancy Gnoh, Mi Winery (ioots, Ynnke iV.y')n.f, Y kite (inods, FocJcct Cutcry, Jusirry, Ferfumery Lt'nm IIlLhfs. Having ri'lcut Partner" in Kympp, ni in direct romiiuiin' atum with ih mHinifiictiirrf', we are enHble4 ro execute all ordt-ni, and Sell at as Low Rule ni New York Importer. We invli the Httt-ntiou of Bl'YERS FOR U TAH TEIllllTOK .' To our StocV, whlrh if the lttrgpa-1 und mot Taried en the Purine t'ot, TOBIN, DIXON & PAVISS0N. Kttn FrancUco, Cl. BTABIiISH)D J IJO. GASTLE BROTHERS, IMPOHTHnS WHOLESALK GROCERS, 413 ind313 Front Street, San FramUro, - Calirornla. MUBPHY.GRANT&CO. (ALIFDHMA, (1JI itfi t i-'L i'. ii.. ii I- - r- nd "i; tH I K of I Dress Goods ' j.,io, s I FRENCH PLAID POPLINS f "ill J I !'- (I ii 1 1 -. . .1 ill !- ( I'.lll I i 111 (,.).,... fren:.'! :hz i.z i it ots. ETC. ETC. Jil'CJ. li 0 S i h l; V, Wliite (VooiN. Pin. n, TABLE D4MASKS, NAPKIKS, AA ti Vriu-tklb'-i r-n-T hi li.' I'.i -I 1,-1 , ; UTAH CENTHA'. RAIl.iJOAP. PIONEiR LIME CF UTAH. On an d after Thursday. De-c. 1 , 1 S 7 0 Iail.v Train Lmto l.ske City ai 5 m and CjV p.r Arrive a; Oc.ic: T a. :v. .iv. d i p. tv.. l.r.ivf n-irn -t S t. i "i,;1 p i.l. , Arr vra; Sal: Lake i"i:y .0 a, n ard 7::V p.rp. Fre from Salt Luke Clt- to . Wood's Cro-s 1 Orn'rrvi'.le ? .i1 j KarLtigton '.... K-o!.' 1. ; Ctden j Fare from Of drn to Kaysvillp ; Furnvngion i;.V ; Cen reviile iO- Woodr.s .... ; ealt Lake City. , In addition to the above AN ACCOMMODATION TRA!,V Will run PA1LY, SUNDAYS KXCK1TK0. Leavinn Opden t 5 a m. and Salt Lske Cit at 4:' p. m.. On wh:ch full fare will out tie the piir.'ha.i r of a ncket to return on rh anic d:tv ,fd tra.n fro-, and wl. stop by a-r .nK- n with the cond ctor at an p unt on lue line to j take on or let ofl p ..etiirer. Pktnsrv lll plfsf Piirrhanf llu it lit- kr t . mi l lie O rtu . Fifty Cenis additional wili be -l.atf.-d when the t-.i e c coiitvtp,i .n t'.e i ai;(. For all information oonoerninp ireiht or pa. Ki'r, Hply io P.O. CVLllKR, lu-k t anvl FrciKbt Ait't. ba t l ake Cny. JM. , Vol L.V RPOOl Si Q'JLE.ViTuW.. --o , i ' ' - - . .. i ... .Ly iij. j.1 x .... . . A 'I It O . I, 1 'I I I . , , ,, nii,,i , li,e, i : v;:ry . . - i.; ii ; . ; . , . o l.ik.'S';-,5.. ii !:'. - 1 1 l,ln I-., . i. ' - i n--!,,' Iroill l,l I ),,,.,) it, , ,t , ,.i I, Oh!, 111. . . . ... . Ml'l'lH,,i - O . or, l .. i oil Houn-l Trip T i'i' i : , 1 . 1 ,.i voy 1. v euc .Kill N ;. 1 V I I , l.l III',. i.llV ,, ,. ik, Or WILLIAM CALIi- H. At,.i. Slt L." I'm I li. PIJNEtR SH3ST RJUTE EAST. CHICAGO & NORTH WLSTN RAILWAY Khorl et a nd ti n Ir kr.l It mi ( r fi nni O in n ti a tot Ii I n ft o n ii d i li t- : H . The KHHtern Kxpren- Umvoh t)in ilm daily in coi,ni-t ion with iixnm n the (Vn ial atol I inon Paeidc railroad-, aud nr-nw 1 1. Cln-CaK" Cln-CaK" in ad i anee 'd all olh . r rmi t tn. A nrw nni! plt-ndid line ol Pullman J'mIh Mnirl and Mt-plnf i rnr li r lla- lecintly been built lor (hi- Coin pun). The Ctii-mrn null North M.M.M-MI i- tli.. p -i KiIwh) (hnnlin t in- ha o.n Iw-i. 'ompllt - f 'IIIKKK K A It h A'.), . 111! tl (lllie, ll.t MwilMr-Ta h,f i..HI-l IK-Illwl pal im nor jh-i.w iu tmK u p..lU-( moi! tih.ttn-1 .pnppiiiK II ilh ...Ihnit t... h '! the ii'mi mo-l.-m uiip..fint.nt. Iln, t..KVii,t. it ti,, 'art of i U-iii U, Hlioi lrl lu,P, ..tt. r- ., Iriflin(( I'uMir nt, fji-it, ,.. tin.'.ji.MU.ol .ii Npeed, omfnrl and Hmfity. H' t 'if li- k-l iiinnir ti t.. ail i. (-,.) .,() OO fill.. . Ult'lff lol lKl..1 H lilUHllM I l.l'HK. Ut pai t iff t,..i.i)tt tliionli it. hia It- .lire and .k l..i Ii. hw m (U-n . f orlli-wil..rii KkiImh, in. h l. 1. ..to H, , M " ""- f I"' ri'M h.,.1 -i.h l i. Hi I'm 1-1 ft n.nl ,,i t Ml i ..' . I ,. k ti .fh. ri ( A Mi KK tK'fv' Mort-, al I t....r fo.' tin ' For mi) ihlormaDot, I u r-K"t i d V fivti i yl) Uu HARKY R0G1KS, W .t..'., I ... i .....1 r - f -.1 ii r f r a vw '"!'... . i ,. i.-i a, . ..i i - I I. Il -HI. r ,, , ll 1 W..S .,1 A-.'.il if t. |