Show THE DISCOVERY THA T UNLOCK THE IMPRISONED HBABIN I I LHow 1 the Discovery Was Made In treating nose and throat diseases j Des Shores Shores found that certain medicines when combined and regularly regular-ly applied reduced inflammation and swelling in the nose and throat The doctors knew that if they could get this medication into the air tubes of the ears regularly and without violence vio-lence they could cure deafness Day and night they worked on this problem For several years they tried every method known to medical science but were baffled at the end of each separate attempt They then threw away as useless all the maxims of the schools and all the methods of authority and struck out on the basis of their own experience Working along their own lines they found the true method of carrying medication to the diseased parts of the ear passages Under the gentle application of the medicine they saw the imprisoned sense of sound slowly free itself They saw the falling of the shackles of deafness They saw the unfolding of the principle prin-ciple upon which all future treatment for diseases of the ear was to be founded ILTli Errors of Ear Doctors I Years ago when Drs Shores Shores I first made a specialty of diseases of the ear doctors relied entirely I on operations tions and forcible dilation of the ear I tubes Specialists in America and in Europe I used knife catheter and air bags They cut out bones in the middle ear They bored holes in the ear drums They drove instruments through the nose into the ear tubes to force or pry them open They forced air through to the drums of the ears They blew medicines against the walls of the throat in the form of liquid sprays I No benefit was received from these I harsh methods I Persons only slightly deaf were thus I made completely deaf Inflammation in the ears was set up the ear drums were destroyed abscesses ab-scesses were formed Lifelong Injury and suffering were inflicted deafness was intensified That was the course then as it Is I now of the authorized methods of the schools deafness That was why doctors did not cure I IIWhat Is the Ear The ear to many people is simply the outer appendage attached like a shell to each side of the head a But this outer appendage Is merely a device to arrest sound waves and protect the ea channel running Into the head into which sound Is directed The actual ear is a mechanical arrangement ar-rangement inside the head this Two mechanism tubes or air passages unite with One is from the outer ea into which you can Insert the tip of your little finger The other is from the upper and back part of the throat and is called the tube of Eustachlas or Eustachian tube I A curtain of living tissue stretched tightly and caved the ear drums sep I arates tnese two passageways The mechanism consists of the eardrum drum the bones connected therewith and the nerves that run from the drum to the brain I you stick your fingers in your ears or otherwise shut out the free passage of air In the outer ways to the eardrum drum you cannot hear I I you choke up the Inner or Eustachian Eustach-ian passages to the ears you cannot hearWhy Why Because there must be an equal aid pressure on each side of the membranous ous curtain or ear drum to make It vibrate vi-brate and thus telegraph sound t the brain along the nervewires The ear drum is like any other drum I i has free air pressure on both sides a concussion upon its surface will cause a resonant sound IVNot MecIiaBics tot Medication There are two ways of freeing a gas pipe choked with frozen earth One is to run an Iron rod through I This makes a small channel and allows al-lows a diminished quantity of gas to flow through The other is to pass the vapor of alcohol cohol into the pipe The vapor strikes the frozen earth softens and melts first one bit and then another until the whole frozen mass crumbles by degrees into a fine powder pow-der and the pipe is free again agn Where force Is used to free a frozen pipe a damaged pipe is the result Where a alcohol vapor is used to free a pipe no damage Is done I is the same with deafness Where force Is used to open the closed ear channels damage Is done What follows Intense an Inflammation Earache Abcesscs Permanent injury Where medicated vapor Is used no harm results By Its use the obstruction is removed a little at a tune until it Is all absorbed 01 carried away The diseased surfaces are healed The disease Is driven out perfect hearing follows VThe Causes of o Deafness I Deafness except In those rare cases wherein it is due to accident is caused by disease affecting the throat I Pharyngitis Laryngitis Hhinitli I Tonsilitis Bronchitis and all the many diseases affecting the membrane of the I throat may result in deafness i Scarlet Fever Diphtheria Typhoid Fever produce inflammation of the j throat which often extends to the ear j tubes and causes Deafness I Measles Chickenpox and Smallpox and other zymotic diseases producing in the same manner inflammation of th throat may result in Deafness Any disease affecting the throat may produce Deafness More than SO percent per-cent of the cases of Deafness are the I direct result of diseases affecting the i throat i Deafness is also caused by the introduction I intro-duction of irritating medicines by experimental I ex-perimental surgery consisting of probing prob-ing cutting and in some cass by the administration of wrong internal medicines medi-cines in heavy doses such as quinine and salicylic acid Curing disease in the throat will not I relieve Deafness that has resulted from I the disease f I I I is necessary to use an entirely different dif-ferent treatment one that will reach I the seat of the inflammation in the ear i tubes themselves Upon this Is based the marvel of the restoration of hearing by the discovery VI Mes in tie Head I you have grasped the subject so far a word will explain head noises Noises in the head sire the forerunners of deafness Before you noticed that you were getting get-ting hard of hearing you were annoyed by head noises They sounded like Low breathing Escaping gas I Insects singing The murmur of a brook I The waves of the sea Niagara Falls Steam whistles Ringing of bells Loud talking Ripping and hissing Loud explosions Bombs and rockets Cannon firing When the Eustachian tubes begin to block up air is imprisoned between the ckbure of the air passage and the eardrum ear-drum The movement of this air either I ar through the obstruction or between the obstruction and the drum causes these noises Why are they so loud Go Into a cavern block up the entrance en-trance behind you shout loudly The shout deafens you with its force The entire cavern echoes and reechoes re-echoes I comes back to you multiplied and confused in a mass of discordant sounds This is what occurs in the Eustachian tubes when disease forms an obstruction obstruc-tion In them Head noises either indicate a condition condi-tion of impaired hearing or that the hearing Is going to fail Their disappearance indicates the passing away of the condition that caused the deafness te Whenever the treatment has gained an influence over head noises i is a certain sign that restoration 0 hearing hear-ing will soon take place VIIFrom the Throat to the Ear Dr Shores discovered the cure of deafness because of the vast number of throats that they treated How is it that a throat doctor discovered discov-ered the qure for deafness What has the throat got to do with the ca When youve grasped this secret you will understand the whole subject of deafness and Its cure It Isnt the outer ea channel that figures in deafness Its the Inner one the channel from the throat to the ear drum the Eustachian Eus-tachian canal Thats the secret of the trouble In 99 out of 100 cases of deafness Bear this in mind I you are suffering from head noises If you are occasionally hard of hearing If you arc partially deaf if you a stone deaf or if you are a deaf mute just grasp this subject with all the force of your intelligence and relief and the fullrecovery of your hearing are in your own hands For Anything that interferes with the free vase of air from the throat to the ear drum causes noises in the head impairment of hearing and deafness I is from the throat that the citadel of the hearing is taken The mucous membrane lining of the throat lines also the passages to the ears the Eustachian tubes When disease sets up in the throat it is likely to extend Into the Eustachian tubes The same conditions that cause swell Ing or Inflammation or the secretion of thick and heavy mucus in the throat cause the same effects in the ear tubes When swelling occurs the membrane in the ea tubes comes together and air cannot pass through to the drum When mucus secretes in the air tubes It is not expelled I lodges there and plugs up the canal I In either event your hearing Is checked I VIIIThe Time I Takes to tore r Eel case of deafness caused by disease I dis-ease In the Eustachaln eas tubes can ho I cured by Dn Shores treatment I j That includes over SO per cent of ail cases of deafness I j three The time i takes to cure depends < > i i things I First How much of the Eustacham j tubes Is diseased and closed up i Second How lone the deafness has i lasted Third How faithfully th treatment I Is carried l crie out For some cases the disease causing I deafness has not passed far Into the tube and is soon cured In cases of long standing more of the tubes ar affected and it takes a longer time to cure The hearing Is rarely restored Immedi ately or a little at a time A patient may not see any progress for a long time When tie cure comes i comes suddenly The process of absorbing or dissolving the obstruction has ben completed tho last of H disappears and there being a free passage of air to the drum hearing i restored The only way a deaf person can fail to be cured by Des Shores treatment i to stop taking tho treatment before tho cure Is effected IXFroat in I Aralaiielies of Cues To cure isolated cases Is no proof of the value of a treatment A treatment must euro by hundreds and thousands I must cure people of all ages and conditions con-ditions ditons I must cure by the wholesale This is the test that Doctors Shores asked for their Discovery when they announced nounced It The test has been met and passed Ever judicial method of measuring or weighing evidence has been employed In confronting the test The cures have been published 1 over the land in all the most widely circulated newspapers The deafness of old aJe the deafness of childhood the deafness of youth the deafness of middle age have been cured The deafness of catarrh scrofula scarlet fever diphtheria measles chickenpox chicken-pox pneumonia bronchitis and smallpox small-pox have been cured The sufferers from head noises from occasional deafness partial deafness deafness of one ear deafness of both ears and stone deafness have been cured Look over the files of the newspapers Get tho names and addresses of tho deaf persons whose cures were published Go and see them Consult them a to the truth of the published statements Call on their friends I a cure was effete ef-fete no one will know it better than tho patients friends or neighbors QUESTIONS FOR THE DEAF These questions have been preparl with the definite purpose of finding out aU those important or trifling symptom which when taken together and cart fullv studied enable us to determine th au > o and nature of the ear trouble that is present pres-ent and by this means permit us to ire scribe the best course of treatment for each case I Is our desire that you real ° these questions carefull that you mark opposite each one the correct answer a applying to you Anothr question wo want to ask you and it is a allimi > ort ant one I we understand your cas are you willing to use the treatment thoroughly thor-oughly giving It a fair trial and continuing continu-ing Us use for a reasonable length of time that you may obtain a cure We would much prefer not taking your case at all than to have you use the treatment in u halfhearted manner become discouraged because you do not get well quickly and then condemn the treatment without a thorough test testDRS DES SHORES SHORES Have you had the meatiest Did you ever have the mumps Is the wax in the ears hard Have you ever had diphtheria Has the discharge a bad color Have you ever had scarlet ever Does a fresh cold increase deafness Does the noises sound like explosions Are any members of your family aeAro you subject to taking cold easily How deaf are you at the present timer Hove you ever had tonsilltis or quinsy hi the Hove you Pain or soreness ears Does the noises resemble escaping st2 the noises resemble crackling sounds S have ye uevcr had erysipelas of the face Do head noises keep you awake at night Have you suffered much from sore throat thsaVhe wax In your ears abundant or j scant Have your ears ever gathered and discharged dis-charged CliJ Is ryour hearing affected by change of weather WHowrfar can your hear a watch withy with-y < left ear When and hoy did you first notice you were deaf How far can you hear a watch withy with-y left ear Do the noises resemble sound of water falling Are your ears Itchy and scaly in the outer passage Did your ear trouble commence with scarlet fever SCfsCyour ear trouble accompanied by noises in the head Abe these noises worse In the daytime or at nlght Is your hearing best when standing up or lying down Did your ear trouble come on after an attack of mumps Did your ear trouble come on gradUAlly or quickly Did > your ear trouble come on after an attack of measles Did your ear trouble come on with an attack of erysipelas At what age did you first notice trouble with your ears Did your ear trouble come on after an attack of diphtheria Can you hear better In a noisy place than In a quiet room Did any members of your family ever have discharging ears Is your hearing bettor In the summer than it Is In the winter Is your loss of hearing stationary or are you gradually getting worse Did your ear trouble start with any other acute disease If so name It Have you ever been benefited bv any doctors treatment for your ear trouW Have you ever received an injury to your head If co describe when and how serious It was If you hold your nose > and close your mouth and then blow hard can you fel a pressure behind the ear drums |