Show J FATALITIES IV IOWA A Breeze Assumes Cyclonic Proportions Propor-tions Omaha Neb June 17A special to the Bee from Denison Iowa says This i4 ming about 330 oclock a heavy Wind storm pas 1 over this county and ai places assumed cyclonic proportion pro-portion There is scarcely a yard in Dtnison that is not strewn with trees and branches Residences of old set tIers ar pretty well shattered fences and ildings blown over windows smaf 1 2 and doors blown in ice one was hurt here A barn belonging be-longing to Squire Bond just east of ton was moved and three valuable cYS killed The storm was worse about eight milts west in Paradise township The house of John Rose was I demolished and Mrs Rose has died from injuries received Mr Rose had his shoulder dislocated Their baby was carried some distance from the 1 house bu was found wrapped in a quilt unhurt The large barn of Joseph Duncan was wrecked August Eggers I also lost a barn and many outbuildings outbuild-ings McWH1 lams school house three miles west of Denison was completely wrecked Another dispatch to the Bee from Stella Neb gives details of a terrific cj cone which passed over Richardson county AH of the barns and outbuildings outbuild-ings on William Stolzs OUtJiG1 miles southwest of Steala were demolished de-molished Several head of live stock and 200 chickens were killed Six hundred I hun-dred bushels of grain was blown to the four winds and much standing grain jon Ion I-on Stulzs and adjoining farms were adjoinIng destroyed Stolz and his family took refuge in the cellar of their house and I escaped uninjured The house was wrecked but not blown down I |