Show BURIAL RITES HELD FOR PIONEER OF 47 ST ST. GEORGEj GEORGEt April 28 One 28 One of the thelast thelast last ast 1847 pioneers J Joseph Hyrum Lee was buried here Tuesday f following following follow follow- ing ng funeral services held in the L. L D. D S. S stake tabernacle The bishopric of f West ward conducted the service Mr 1 Lee who died Monday following following follow- follow ing ng an illness of eight da days s 's was born July uly 12 1844 1814 at Nauvoo Ill He was wasa wasson a son o of John D. D and Agatha Ann Woolsey Lee He was married Janary January January Jan- Jan uary ary 2 1863 to Mar Mary Elizabeth Wooley Woolsey Wool Wool- sey ey in Salt Lake Soon Soen after his marriage he was called ailed by President Brigham Young to o colonize Upper Kanab now known as s Alton After Ailer filing flUng a mission in 10 England he was call called d on a church mission to the Arizona Indians He spent Dent 43 13 years in Arizona all of ot his children having been born there thereAfter After the death of his wife wiCe in m Tuba City Ariz he came to St SL George Gcorge Georgeo to o live He later married Mrs Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizaeth Eliza- Eliza beth eth Ann Bo Booth th and after her death married El Elizabeth zabeth Ann Sterling who survives suni Mr Lee was an ardent worker in inie inthe inthe the ie L. L D. D S. S church and was active in religious n affairs until the day he was vas stricken ilL ilLIn ilLIn illIn In addition to his widow the following following fol- fol lowing owing sons and daughters survive Mrs Irs Agatha Ann Anderson Richfield Joseph H. H Lee Jr Tuba City Ariz Mrs Abagail Ashcroft and George Gcorge W. W 7 Lee Kirtland md N N. M. M Lovina Brinkerhoff Snowflake Ariz Ernest ErnestA A. A Lee Durango Colo Cob Mrs 1 Eva Lit Lit- Laguna Beach CaL Cat Mamie Mamle Littlefield Oakley Idaho Wilford Lee ee St George Mrs l Ada Humphries Hurricane Mrs Lola Cornelius us Vir- Vir gin in He is also survived b by grandchildren grandchildren grand- grand children great grandchildren and great grandchildren also a sister sis sis- sis sis-I ter er Mrs Louisa Prince Panguitch and nd several half brothers and sisters sis- sis ers |