Show II I Utes lUtes Meet Vets In lt Tennis Tilt If It Storms Stop University of Utah victorious vie vic in every college match this season will try their hand at a team of veterans ex-collegiate ex stars Frida Friday Friday Fri Fri- da day afternoon at nt o'clock on the theU theU theU U U courts weather permitting Mel Gallacher Salt Sail Lake City champion and 2nd a high ranking Intermountain Intermountain intermountain Inter- Inter mountain performer for years heads the alumni list t. t Dave Freed Jack Irvine and Bob Goodell all captains of former Utah teams are lre listed for action Clarence Bowman and two former Cormer California stars Nebo Chaucer Chau Chau- and Gorm Butler the latter a junior junior jun jun- br ace also arc are ready for the en en- counter The usual Utah Ulah lineup of oC Captain Bill Woodard and Jimmy Wilding Ross Sutton and either cither Harry Guss or Harvey Hansen Hawen doubles Bill Strat Strat- ford Woodard and Sutton or Guss singles is expected to prevail Gallacher Gallacher Gallacher Galla- Galla cher and Freed are arc the likely choices for double duty on the alumni outfit It will wUl be the first home game ame of the season for the Utes who have in invaded invaded invaded in- in Provo and Logan for tor the sweeping sweep sweep- ing inc victories that have stamped Coach Theron Parmelee's entry as an n almost certain victor in the state race While Utah is meeting the alumni array and Cougars will be fighting it out for second place in Provo The are slight fn fn- orites to win due to the presence of or Jack and Captain Glade Linebaugh two seasoned performers of ot cx exceptional ability |