Show AD CAMP BRING PROFITS Leader Tells How Many Firms Build Business With Advertising Extensive advertising campaigns conducted by several of the leading industries and manufacturing concerns concerns con con- cerns corns in the United States have brought increased business and handsome handsome hand hand- some profits during the past two years despite the depression James I A A. A Giles executive secretary o of the Printer-Managers Printer association told the members of ot the Salt Lake Lale Advertising Advertis Advertis- ing club ing-club club at the Newhouse hotel Thurs Thurs- day Thc These Thes firms instead of curtailing their advertising appropriations as many concerns have bave been inclined to todo todo todo do have increased them and as a it re result result result re- re sult have greatly increased their sales Mr Giles reported These bright spots in the industrial and commercial commercial commer commer- cial cia world should encourage business to Lo look ahead with faith and hope for forthe forthe forthe the future and plan for increased business without waiting for hopeful hopeful hope hope- ful prognostications from those who assume to say when and how recovery recovery ery cry will come I I A short talk on various phases of advertising advertising ad ad- were given by Mrs Leona Lcona B B. B Coursey mana manager er of or the Billings Service Marion C. C Nelson Nelon president of the club presided Following the luncheon the members members members mem mem- bers of the club inspected the advertising advertising adver adver- Using exhibit which cons consists o of several sew sev sev-I sev eral oral of ot the most outstanding advertising advertising advertising advertis advertis- ing campaigns conducted in the United United Unit Unit- ed cd States in 1931 Advertising of more than 40 different kinds of business business business busi busi- ness institutions is included in the exhibit The display will remain open until Friday night and the public is invited to attend Officers of the club will wm be elected at the meeting to be held at the chamber chamber chamber cham cham- ber of commerce May 5 Among those nominated for the various offices are arc Marlow L L. L Cummings Jr president Margaret Hackett Mills vice presIdent president dent G. G S. S Murphy treasurer and D. D F. F Cour Coursey ey secretary a |