Show Bureau of Census Records Increase In In Utah Weddings I Marriages in 1931 Exceed Those of Previous Years 16 Per Cent Divorces Rise 12 Per Cent I WASHINGTON April Awil 28 P Mar JP-Mar- Ma performed in 10 Utah during 1931 increased 89 or 16 per cent over 1930 the bureau of the census announced announce today They numbered according according accord accord- ing to returns received compared with in 1930 In 1922 there were marriages performed in an th the state slate Divorces in 1931 showed an Increase Increase increase In in- crease of 12 or 12 per cent over th the preceding year ear In 1931 they numbered numbered num num- 1028 and in 1930 there were 1016 In 1922 there were only 60 divorces granted Marriages annulled annulled annulled an an- in 1931 numbered 24 compared with 14 in fri 1930 The estimated population of Utah Uta was July 1 I 1931 compared with a year before beCore Thus th the number of marriages in the state pe per 1000 of oC population was in 1931 and in 1930 while the number o of divorces was and lively ively Salt L Lake ke county led in marriages marriage with 2069 against 2348 in 1930 ant and divorces for Cor the two years ealS numbered and respectively Weber with marriages showed a marked drop from the year before while hile divorces increased three from 13 to o Cache county had marriages in 1931 nearly more than the o of 1930 while divorces were 30 and 14 respectively Davis county had 45 marriages compared with in 1930 while divorces numbered only 12 ant and 7 respectively Utah county reported marriages 30 less than the pre ious year and divorces were 87 am and 68 8 respectively I I I |