Show I Your Baby and Mine Miney By y MYRTLE MEYER ELDRED TAKE MAKE I KE THOUGHTFUL CHOICE OF BABY'S FIRST SHOES Just when mothers arc are about to lose their allegiance to stiff shoes for lor baby someone is certain to reiterate the ancient warning that babies must have havea a support for their ankles when walk walk- ing ng and stiff shoes arc are the answer UNNECESSARY NECESSARY A baby does not need a support for his ils ankles any my more than he hc needs braces races for his back when he is learning learn learn- ing ng to sit up Both walking and sitting sit sit- ting ng up come about when the child is isId old Id enough and strong enough to accomplish accomplish ac- ac them If It the child needs artificial ar ar- supports to make these ties es possible there is something very wrong with his bony development And nd it is that physical deficiency which needs attention b by the aid of ofa a better diet die sunshine or cod liver oil il fresh air and exercise Shoes do serve a purpose The baby who ho is learning to walk needs shoes not ot to help him walk but to prevent his lis feet from being bruised by sharp harp objects to protect them from hot or orold cold old or hard or rough surfaces Babies and nd children can go barefooted satel safely when walking about their cribs of ot ina in insoft a soft sort or on a soft rug I FOOT GOT FREEDOM I The type of or shoe chosen should permit per mit all possible freedom of foot action ae ac ac- ac tion on A baby learns to walk b by spreading his great toe and arid grasping at the floor and by spreading his legs widely apart to give gie him a more solid soLd base basc ase upon which to stand A pair of ot soled tiff shoes is as great a handicap to o baby's walking as lS a stiff glove would fould be to the free use of or his hands But a soft arid and shapeless shoe also has las disadvantages Shoes without a defInite sole do not stay on the foot welL veil The They slide about and make walking treacherous for the bab baby The best est choice of a first shoe is one with witha a soft flexible sole that bends easily in n the hand and yet one which is molded to fit the wide straight foot of f the baby GET ET RIGHT SIZE First shoes should be high so that they icy can be kept firmly in place on onic the ic foot loot Buttons or lacings are both bolh satisfactory 1 if the mother is careful not ot to button or lace them too When baby's shoe is removed note whether there are any ridges or wrin wrin- kles cs that would indicate a poor fit I If f baby whimpers and cries when he tries ries to walk and md refuses to stand on onus his us feet he may be suffering from too narrow arrow or too short a shoe Mothers worry unnecessarily about flat at feet feeL All babies and small children children chil- chil dren ren have flat feet Nature has provided pro pro- vided them with wilh a pad of or fat that protects the bone boncy structure of the oot until the arch develops The baby I doesn't need any special make of arch- arch preserver shoe He needs a shoe wide enough to allow his toes to spread happily long enough to allow the toes t to stretch full length and high enough so that it will stay in place on his foot There are arc numerous shoes on the market for babies that fulfill all of these qualifications cat ons Tomorrow Tomorrow- Tomorrow Milk k In Excessive I Amounts Develops Develop's Feeding lem em |