Show DOWN WITH cigarettes sone of the cotton steamer recently burned on the i pi owed ler misfortune to 1 natron of a dude and a cigarette be faro she departed from her a stylish and effeminate looking youth pacing up and down her anon placing to bla wilh a light at one end and a fool at the oilier and drawing into liis puny lungs a volume of poison the sight was BO common as to escape comment nobody cared ft leaber one dude more or leys poisoned himself lim self and if this had been alie extent of liis crime all hare been well but the fumes of the cigarette a constitution naturally weak and mado much weaker by the practice of smoking aud at last there dropped from his nerveless fingers the little white roll the light baill at one end of it but with the fool no longer at the other from that little light the cotton on board became ignited and alie result was calamity the loss of of dollars and many lives aliat became of lie aude the history of the bad orent does not record itts a legitimate conclusion that cigarette nill not be popular on board a cotton steamer liere after and that a special clause a ill be inserted in insurance policies to prevent the pernicious practice under such hazardous circumstance we understand that beveral local ogaretta smokers have taken alie alarm and have declared intention ti no longer jeopardize the lives ul their fellow men A cigar is much safer less injurious and more crauly |